Chapter 12

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Tommy saw all the amazing food sitting on the table. Everything looked so much more organized and better than before. Toast, eggs, bacon, everything was gonna feel good in his stomach.

Tommy quickly walked over and sat down eagerly at the table. He filled his plate up with a bunch of food. It smelled very good and he couldn't wait to eat it.

Just as he was about to take a bite, Wilbur stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Tommy, may I sit down?" Wilbur asked. "Ranboo as well?"

The young prince looked up at him. "I'm not gonna stop you."

Wilbur sat down and gestured Ranboo to sit across from him. They were both sat on either side of Tommy. Wilbur was on the left side of Tommy and Ranboo on the right.

They both grabbed their dishes and filled their plates with food. Wilbur took slow bites and kept a watchful eye over Tommy. Ranboo just sat there and stared as the prince ate his breakfast.

Tommy dug in and his eyes filled with life as he chewed down. Nothing had ever been this good before.

Ranboo watched carefully as the prince used his fork to take his food and put it in his mouth. He was afraid that everything was gonna be a danger from now on. Everything could potentially hurt Tommy. The enderman knew he had to protect the prince. He couldn't let Tommy go near anything that would hurt him again.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Tommy asked Ranboo, his mouth full of food. "You haven't touched your food yet."

"Tommy, what did I say about talking with your mouth full." Wilbur told Tommy, not even looking up at him.

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Wilbur." Tommy swallowed his food and looked back at Ranboo. "So...are you gonna eat?"

"I...maybe will." Ranboo quietly said. "I'll just let you finish first."

Tommy looked concerned. He placed his fork down and just stared at the plate.

"Uhh...Tommy? Why'd you stop eating? Aren't you hungry?" Ranboo asked.

"Oh, I am starving. But if you aren't gonna eat, then why should I?" Tommy said, a slight smile across his face. "I would rather it be who starved and not you."

Ranboo looked back down at his food and started to eat. Even though he wasn't hungry, he wanted to make sure that Tommy would eat and stay safe. Ranboo has made a promise to himself to protect the prince from anything. It would be hard, but it would be worth it in the end.

Once Tommy saw that Ranboo was eating, he soon followed. Tommy cared very much for his friends and didn't want to see any of them get hurt.

The sound of the door slamming open scared everyone in the room. Tommy could hear the guards stand to protect, but they quickly put their swords away. He saw that Wilbur placed his face in his hand and Ranboo looking guilty towards the person. Tommy knee who was behind him.

"Tommy." The strict voice said as it walked closer to him.

"Hi...Sam." Tommy said, not looking up to meet the hybrid creeper's eyes.

Awesamdude grabbed the chair and whipped it around to force Tommy to look into his eyes. The black eyes met the piercing sky blue ones. Tommy could feel himself shrink into the chair. Out of all the people that could've came, it had to be Sam.

Captain Awesamdude has taken care of Tommy just like the rest of the kingdom. The man even considered Tommy to be his own son. He always made sure that he stayed out of trouble and was safe 24/7. Whenever the prince had done something wrong, Sam was there to help correct it. Tommy didn't even like the way how Sam would take care of him. He was always over his shoulder. Every time the prince would do something that would put his life in harm's way, Sam would get angry with Tommy.

Tommy could see that Sam was very angry and upset. He was gonna get a lot of stuff put on him today, wasn't he?

"You know why I am here." Sam said, his voice deep and even made the guards shiver.

Tommy looked down at the floor. "I do." He mumbled.

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