Chapter 37

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Phil watched as that green man pushed Tommy off he balcony. He ran after and jumped off, going to catch the king, as Technoblade tackled Dream and kept him from doing anything.

The crow watched as Tommy closed his eyes and started to have tears fall off his face. But he also watched as Tommy smiled.

Phil finally got to Tommy and catches him in the air, just before he hit the ground.

"Phil?" Tommy said, looking up at him.

The two landed on the ground and got only just a couple of bruises. Tommy gasped with relief and tears fell down as his face. In that moment, he had known that he hadn't died. Dream had lost the fight.

"Tommy!" Phil said, standing up and running over to help the boy up. "Does it hurt anywhere?!"

"I-I almost died..." Tommy said, letting the crow pick him up. "You saved me, Phil."

"I know. I know." Phil said, plopping his face in Tommy's hair.

Phil pulled the boy into a large hug. He wrapped his huge black wings around Tommy and pulled him closer. He could feel his shoulder dampen from tears, but he didn't care. He had saved Tommy from his death.

They sat there for what felt like an hour, what was only a couple minutes, hugging each other.

After a little bit, Phil pulled Tommy away from him. "Come on, let's go."

Phil spread out his wings and wrapped his arms around the boy and flew up in the air. Tommy shook as he got flown in the air. He gripped onto Phil's blue and white cloak tighter. He was afraid that Phil was gonna let go of him.

"It's ok, mate." Phil said, holding Tommy ahead close to him and getting closer to the balcony.

They landed on the balcony and Phil let go of Tommy. Tommy turned around to see guards pulling Dream onto his feet and Technoblade yelling at him. They could all finally see him, Tommy didn't have to suffer anymore.

Tommy, still being afraid of Dream, his behind Philza. Phil placed his hand on Tommy's head and gave the death glare to Dream.

The king looked behind everyone and saw Kristen standing there. Standing next to her was a very scared, and concerned, Ranboo. They both noticed Tommy and Ranboo ran to him. Kristen smiled gently and walked over.

"Tommy!" Ranboo said, running into Tommy and hugging him. "You're ok!"

Tommy hugged Ranboo back, not taking his eyes off Dream. "Y-yeah, I am."

Ranboo moves out of the way and let Kristen through. She placed her hand on Tommy's cheek and smiled sweetly. It was like the world turned safer. It was like Dream wasn't standing there anymore.

"There you are." Kristen spoke softly.

"Kristen..." Tommy hugged her and tightly.

Tommy felt relief once he hugged her. She had always made him feel safe from any kind of harm. Even his own killer standing there, Tommy still felt safe. Kristen would always make sure he was ok. And right now, she was doing a good job at it.

"Kristen...?" Tommy said, looking up at her, not letting her go. "How come everyone can see Dream now?"

She smiled. "I had to figure out how to cat a spell on the Dreamon, so everyone could see it. It took a couple days, but I figured it out." Kristen explained. "I was able to hit him with it as you ran out of the throne room. I'm sorry it took so long."

Tommy looked back at Dream and let out a breathy laugh. "You don't have to be sorry. I'm finally free."

The four of them listened as Technoblade's voice got louder, and angrier. He was screaming at Dream for trying to kill Tommy. He had almost lost the one person he promised to protect for the rest of his life. He had almost lost his family.

"Why are you here?" Techno said, brewing with anger, and rage, his teeth gritting against each other. "You almost killed the king!"

Dream giggled. "He's not my king." He glanced back at Tommy then back at the angry piglin in front of him.

"I don't care if he's your king or not." Techno said, pulling out his sword from his side. "You still have committed a crime that is punishable with death. And your life ends here."

Dream grinned.

The General raised the sword and started to bring it down, but a hand grabbed his wrist and kept him from going farther.

"General Technoblade," Kristen said sternly. ", the Dreamon is much more powerful than you think it might be. No matter how many times you kill him, he will always come back to life. I suggest a punishment meant to stay forever, for everything that he has done, especially with the king's parents."

Technoblade looked back at Tommy. Everything had suddenly clicked for the way the boy was talking. And he was right about everything he said. Dream was a murderer and killed the king and queen. He didn't deserve death, he deserved torture.

"Guards, place this creature in a cell that will keep him from ever escaping." Techno said as he placed the sword back in its holster. "I'll meet you there in bit. Oh, and Sapnap, make sure this man gets his lesson taught to him straight, got it?"

Sapnap stared down at Dream with beading red eyes. "Yes, sir. I'll make sure of it."

As the guards walked away, Techno turned around and saw Tommy. His eyes lit up and smiled. He was so relieved to see that he was ok.

"Tommy, you're alright." He said in a soft tone. "I was worried Phil wouldn't get to you in time."

"Hey!" Philza yelled in a giggling tone, making the others laugh. "I'm not that slow."

"Well, you are quite old." Techno giggled.

Phil gave the General a sarcastic glare. The others laughed hard.

Tommy was so happy to finally be free from that monster and live his life-

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled from the doors.

The king looked up and saw a very out of breath, and crying Tubbo.


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