Chapter 35

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"Tommy?" Techno spoke, not knowing what to do in this situation.

Everyone in the room all had confusion cover their faces. Phil and Wilbur both looked over at the fallen king and Techno trying to help him.

Philza raised his wings and flew over the crowd and landed next to Techno. "What's happening up here?"

Ranboo started to try explaining, but quickly shut his mouth when he couldn't figure out what to say. He looked back at the crying king. He knew that he was the only other person that was trusted with Tommy's secret, other than Kristen. Tommy told him about Dream since no one else would believe him. So, how was he gonna tell Phil about it.

"There's so much I could tell you, Phil." Ranboo said, glancing behind him at Tommy. "But...I'm sure you wouldn't understand."

Phil walked over to Tommy and sat down next to him, soon followed by Wilbur. The crow was trying his hardest to figure out what was wrong, but Tommy couldn't speak. The boy was too afraid to speak, in fear of Dream torturing him more.

Tommy glanced back up into the crowd. Dream was very close and becoming more and more like the Dreamon. The green man had spikes coming out of his back, his hands turned into claws, his mouth became very wide and overrun with teeth, and Dream's eyes glowed red and green.

"Tommy, speak." Phil said, his hand on Tommy's back. "Tell us what's wrong."

"He's gonna kill me..." Tommy sobbed. "I don't wanna d-die!"

"You're not!" Techno said, kneeling on one leg and keeping eye level with the king. "I'm here. I'll keep you safe from everything."

Wilbur leaned down on the other side of Tommy. He rubbed his back and tried to comfort the boy.

"Come on, Tommy, tell us what's happening." Wilbur spoke softly. "We're here, and will keep you safe."

Tommy wanted so bad to tell them. He wanted to tell them everything that's happening to him. He wants to tell them about his dreams, tell them about Dream, tell them how Dream is planning to kill him and has killed his parents. But, every time he did, no one believed him. Only Ranboo and Kristen were the only ones that believed him. Those two were the only ones that knew what was going on.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you everything that is happening to me." Tommy said, looking Techno in the eyes, tears still stained his face. "You won't believe me now."

"Tommy..." Wilbur started to say, but was cut off by Tommy.

"He's gonna kill me now!" Tommy said, looking back at the green man that was almost to the steps of the throne. "He's gonna kill me!"

Tommy tried to think of anything he could do now. He could try to run and escape, but no matter what, Dream would still follow him. But maybe, he could still get away in time.

The king stood up and went to run away. Techno grabbed his hand and kept him from running off of the throne. Tommy tried to fight the grip, but couldn't.

"Please, Technoblade! Let me go!" Tommy yelled, knowing Dream was stretching out his arm to grab him. "Let me go! Your king demands it!"

Techno stood there for a second, then let go.

Tommy almost fell backwards, but cut his fall. He turned and ran down the room and closer to the doors. Once he got there, the guards quickly moved out of the way to let him go through. No one followed after him as he ran away, none but Dream.

Tommy ran down the halls as fast as he could. His adrenaline pumped fast through his body. If he stopped, he could fall. But he wasn't gonna stop.

Everywhere wasn't safe. Everywhere he ran, there would be shanties crawling closer to him. The only place that didn't have the shadows was the balcony that he had just been crowned upon.

The king turned around and walked backwards, hitting the railing behind him. Dream was walking closer to him and smiling widely.

"Well hello, king Tommy."

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