Chapter 38

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Tommy and Tubbo both ran into each other, giving the biggest hug they could. The two best friends squeezed each other tightly. It felt like it had been forever since they seen each other, even though it was only last night.

"Tommy..." Tubbo spoke quietly, Tommy could hear him sniffling. "I-I thought you died. I watched that man push you, and I was too far away to go and save you. I thought I wouldn't get to see you again-"

"Shhh." Tommy interrupted him, scratching Tubbo's head. "I'm here now, and I will never leave you again."

Tubbo must've been so scared to see Tommy fall off the balcony, and all he could do was stand there and do nothing. It was a good thing Phil and Techno came at the right time, or else Tommy would see his parents after many years.

The presence he felt during that fall still rang through his ears. His parents held him close as he fell and whispered to him that everything would be ok. They were probably happy to get to see him again, but sad that he would've been joining them. Thankfully, Philza has saved him in time.

Tommy could hear Tubbo sob on his shoulders. "Why are you crying?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo squeezed Tommy a little tighter. "I just don't wanna leave again. I've already almost lost you, and now I can't see you again."

Tommy thought about it for a little bit. He was the king and could do whatever he wanted. Meaning Tubbo could come live with him in the castle.

"Tubbo?" Tommy said.

Tubbo sniffled. "What?"

Tommy grabbed the boy's chin and pulled it up to look at him. "As king, I can tell people what to do. So, would you like to come and live in the castle with me?"

Tubbo stared blankly and then smiled. "Really?!" The boy lit up.

"Yes." Tommy giggled. "I can have a room done for and everything!"

"Yes!" Tubbo yelled, squeezing to the point where Tommy could barley breathe.

As the two boys celebrated, the four others smiled as they watched them. Techno smiled as he watched Tommy laugh along with Tubbo. His promise still lived on and he would protect Tommy forever.

Phil leaned in close to Techno and whispered into his ear. "What are you planning to do to that man?"

Techno gripped his sword tighter. "Don't worry, Philza. I'll have him taken good of very well."


Time had passed and the kingdom had done well over the years. Tommy had grown to be an excellent king, and a loving man to everyone. He had done his parents proud.

Ranboo and Tubbo has both fallen in love and got married. They both adopted a son named Micheal and lived  in the kingdom alongside Tommy.

Phil and Kristen still loves each other and stayed together forever. They both decided to leave and live their lives together in a little cottage in the woods.

General Technoblade has grown stronger, and even got the nickname Blood God for how many people he has slang over the years.

Now, he walked down the hall of the dungeon and closer to Dream's cell. The prisoners shivered at the sight of him and would move as far away as they could. The guards would stand at attention and salute to the half piglin.

Techno got to Dream's cell and walked in. The guards locked the door behind him and he was in there with Dream.

The green man in front of him was broken down and chained to the walls. Techno could tell that he had tried to summon the Dreamon again since he looked so distorted and injured.

"Are you trying to escape again?" Techno said, walking over and standing over the injured man.

Dream didn't respond. All he did was let out breaths of pain.

"If you keep doing this, you are going to die at one point, and you know I won't let that happen." Techno said as he kneeled down and sat on his feet. "I mean you do deserve this. You hurt so many people and even killed royals. I'll make sure you suffer for as long as I live. And it doesn't help in your case since I am the Blood God and immortal."

"F-fuck y-you..." Dream said with pain in his voice.

Techno's red beading eyes stared down at the injured man. He remembered the promise that he had given Tommy, and his parents. The promise of protecting Tommy for as long as he lived, even if it had to be forever. Now, here he was, doing his promise.

The General stood up and pulled out his sword. "I think it's time for your lesson of the day."

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