Chapter 13

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Awesamdude standing there was very intimidating. He was very tall and very built. His gas mask made him look much more scarier. He didn't even need the mask, but he had it to cover up his broken down face. You could still see some scars on his forehead, but most were on his mouth.

"Tommy, do you know why I am upset?" Sam's voice was very angry and made Tommy shiver.

"...yes..." Tommy quietly said, not looking up to meet the hybrid creeper's eyes.

Tommy really hoped that Ranboo, or even Wilbur, would intervene, but Ranboo was too scared to speak up. Wilbur looked very annoyed, but he quietly ate his breakfast. Would they even come to his rescue at all?

Sam grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Tommy, I am trying my very hardest to not get too angry. It is very hard to keep my cool though."

Tommy didn't respond. He didn't want to.

"Tommy, I am very angry right now." Sam said, crossing his arms. "I really want to punch a wall right now."

"I... I'm sorry." Tommy said, trying to not make Sam angrier than he already is.

"The entire castle was looking for you all night!" Sam started to yell. "When I heard what you have done, I looked for you all night! Everyone was worried for your safety!"

Tommy could feel pressure start to build in his eyes. He always hated to be yelled at. It scared him when people got angry. You never know what they were gonna do.

Tommy could see that Sam's hands started to clench. It hadn't even been a second before the Captain grabbed the prince's shirt. He held Tommy a little bit into the air.

Tommy grabbed his arm and shook. He was afraid of what Sam was gonna do next.

Wilbur slammed his hands down on the table and stood up. "I think that you need to leave the room, now."

Wilbur snapped his fingers and the guards stood to attack. The guards knew that they weren't stronger than the Captain himself, but it was to establish a warning.

Wilbur crossed his arms and waited for Sam to do something. He stared into the man's eyes. He knew that Sam wouldn't hurt Tommy. It was just to get off a warning. If he hurt Tommy in any way, Sam would be thrown in prison or even possible killed.

Sam let go of Tommy. "There's no need for fighting. Stand down."

The guards stood down and back at attention.

Sam stared at the young prince below him. He felt bad for scaring him like that. He was meant to protect Tommy and not hurt him.

"I'm sorry." Sam sighed.

Tommy looked up at Sam. "It's...ok..."

"Tommy, please...I just need." Sam looked up and met Wilbur's eyes. "I need to talk to you alone."

Wilbur frowned more. He didn't like the fact that Tommy was gonna be alone with someone that could hurt him very easily. Sam was just about to hurt him and now he wants to be alone.

"How do I know that you aren't gonna try anything?" Wilbur asked.

"Because I think of him as my family as well." Sam spoke.

Wilbur's face softened and he sighed. He gestured the guards to open the door and be let out. Ranboo stood up and followed the rest outside.

The doors slamming shut shook the room around them. Tommy's fear rose.

"Tommy," Sam walked over to the table and leaned on it. You could tell that tears were forming in his eyes. "I-I was scared to death. I thought you left this world."

Same voice was so broken down and hurt. Tommy felt bad for knowing that he had hurt him, but it wasn't him at all. Dream was the one that made him jump.

"I...I didn't know you cared that much." Tommy said, his hands clenched and looking down at the floor.

"I have raised, you alongside Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza, and the entire kingdom." Sam pushed off the table and started to walk towards Tommy. "I have raised you since your know."

"I know." Tommy told Sam.

Awesamdude grabbed Tommy and pulled him into a hug. The hug was warm and sad. Sam squeezed Tommy tightly into his arms. Tears fell down both of their cheeks.

"P-please, don't ever do that again." Sam's voice was very broken and scared.

Tommy buried his face into the man's nether rite armor. He squeezed a little tighter.


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