It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 18

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"I rather not."

"C'mon! It'll be okay. We won't get caught."

I shifted foot as I stared at the gate. The sign that used to be white was now yellow with dirt on it. It was hanging tilted as some bolts were missing.

"I'm not sure."


I sighed in defeat. He grinned at me and grabbed my hand. "It's Just for fun."

I woke up and saw Zen next to me in my hospital bed. I looked around and the room was clean.

I shook Zen awake and she opened her eyes yawning. She looked at me and smiled sleepily.

"Meow." she purred.

"Stupid fucking cat." I said.

She chuckled and shoved me playfully.

"Shut up." she said snuggling into the pillow.

"Don't tell me what to do in my life."

"I'm not telling you what to do with your life. I'm telling you what to do with your mouth." she pointed out.

"Smart ass."

She laughed and stood up. "So! What are our plans for today Hunts?"

"Well princess if you haven't noticed I'm stuck here in a hospital bed."

She sighed. "Ugh I know."


I looked at her. "I heard that."

"Oops, sorry." she rolled her eyes.

"Bitch." I said under my breath.

"I heard that."

"Oops, sorry." I mimicked her.

We glared at each other before laughing.

I missed Zen. She was different from everyone. I have never met someone like her. She was so.... Zen.

See what I did there?

Funny huh?

No? Ok.... Fuck you then.

"What time is it?"

"10:40 why?"

"Shit, I gotta go hunter."

"Oh um... Okay."

She gathered her stuff quickly. She leaned over the bed and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. "I'll catcha later alright?"

"Sure stay...." she slammed the door as she shut it. "...Safe."

I sighed and laid back in bed. I closed my eyes and dreamt again.

"Ricky I swear to god that I we get caught I'll cut your balls off."

"Ouch, I wouldn't appreciate that." he said while putting a hand in front of his junk.

"Which is why I said it, smart one."

"Please Hunter, just one walk around here then we're out. I want to see what's in this place."

"Fine. Don't leave me behind."

"I'll never find myself doing that."

He kissed my Forehead and smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and walked be around the closed building. I was scared, usually in movies when there's a place like this, people die from a ghost or some sort of thing.

I held a tight grip on Ricky's hand and he chuckled. He looked at me rolling his eyes and smiled. "Scaredy-cat."

"So? What if I am?" I snapped.

"Gosh, don't gotta be so damn snappy."

"Well I don't want to die." I rolled my eyes.

"What? The fucks are you talking about Hunter?" he scoffed at me.

"People die when they go to a closed building that once kept 'Special' patients!"

"Oh my god Hunter. That only happens in movies!"


We heard something crash a few doors away.

Ricky and I looked at each other. He walked toward to where the crash came from.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going!? Get back here Olsen!" I hissed.

"Shhh" he put his finger on his lips and held out his hand for me to take.

I shook my head and he shook his hand for me to take again. I bit my lip and walked towards him taking his hand and growing some balls.

"I so fucking hate you so much right now." I glared.

He smiled and followed me as I walked ahead with our fingers laced together.

As we got to the room we found a black cat. He got on a shelf and made something fall. It crashed again. Ricky walked towards it and grabbed him. The cat purred and smothered himself onto Ricky's face.

"Can we keep him?" He said.

"Vaccine shots and yes you may."


"Can we get out of here now?"

"Fine. Look! His right eye is blue and the other is grey- green looking." he beamed.

We got in his car and the cat sat on my lap.

"Home?" He asked.

"Mine or yours?"

"Yours" he said.

I woke up. I found Ricky talking to the doctor quietly. The doctor nodded then left. Ricky walked up to the window and stared out.

I could tell that he was thinking. Something that had him deep in thought.

I cleared my throat and he closed his eyes. He sighed and opened his eyes once again. He blinked many times then walked towards me.

I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it. "Don't walk."

I nodded. He sat down and buried his face in his hands.

"Just... Answer me this: Why?" was the first thing he said.

"Why what?"

"Why did you try to drown yourself Hunter!?!" he voice got louder enough for me to flinch. "Why do you want to leave? Why didn't you talk to one of us? Why do you want to leave me? HURT me?" he said.

He dug the side of his hands into his chest, his palms going opposite direction as he said all of this. He held a pained expression.

"Ricky... I-"

"No. Just DON'T okay? You know what? Go, kill yourself. Do whatever the fuck you want princess. It's your life anyways. It's about you and only you. Always been always will be. Instead of drowning yourself to death, drown yourself in guilt, shallowness and pain. You deserved it. It was such a great show that you put on. I would love to stay to see what else you got in store but I really don't want to stick around for more."

He got up and applaud.

He was over reacting. He doesn't know what happened. He doesn't know anything.

He doesn't know what was going through my mind and he didn't know that I didn't mean to do what I did.

I didn't try to kill myself. I didn't try to grab everyone's attention.

He certainly didn't know that what happened was an accident.

I guess that's what hurt more.


Alright, I gotta say something to every single one of you guys that commented. You all proved me wrong. You all do love this story I can tell.

So that gave me motovation to type away at my phone and edit the story on my laptop.

Thank you every single one of you.

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