It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 23

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So sorry for not updating. I've been having issues. I hope this makes up for it!


I laid in bed strapped. My wrists hurt from being tied up to much and my ankles have a burning sensation.

They hadn't let me off of this bed at all. I can't really breathe either. My stomach and chest where strapped down also.

Two buff guys come in and unlock the wheels on the bed. They roll me out through the back where I catch a glimpse of the guys.

My eyes wander off as the drugs kick in. My ears feel like they're covered. like when you get water in them. The sounds are thick. I can feel a smile play on my lips. I feel calm.

and that scares me.

"Let me say goodbye. Please."

"Fine. But make it quick. We're wasting time here."

I heard thumbs.

Someone's walking. I feel it. The bed stops and they sit me up. I see blurry white figures walking around.

Suddenly there's a Black one. Its tall. It seems like a shadow.

"Hunter?" I feel pressure around my body. "Oh god Hunter. I.... I'll get you out. I'll.... I'll save you."

I closed my eyes letting hallucinations take over.

"I love you. Hunter, do you hear me? I love you so, so much. Stay strong."

I groan as I raise my head moving it around as if I have no control. I open my right eye slightly as I squint the other.

"Ricky?" I rub my eyes and look around.

No ones here. I'm surrounded by white and only white. My clothes are changed to lose overly big white clothes. They were thick. I look down to see that I only had no shoes nor sock on.

"Ricky!?" I start to panic. "HELP!"

I get up and look around the room. I check the door but it's locked.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I desperately yell.

I walk over to a bared window. The door opens and a lady with two buff guys come in and hold me down while she injects me with drugs.

I see Ricky next to me. He grabs my hand and kisses it. "I love you." He says.

But he's only a hallucination.

It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror-Where stories live. Discover now