It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 2

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"And every time we go somewhere he has to make me pay! I'm so glad that Balz is coming back. I just- HUUUNNNTTERR!!" Yelled my roommate Kyra.

I turned and looked at her. "What? Oh sorry. You were saying?" I said giving her the "I'm sorry" look.

"Dude, is there something going on?" she asked drinking her coffee. I shook my head.

"No, why?" I asked back stirring my coffee in hand.

"Well, for starters. Every time I mention the guys you go all walls up on me. And when I mention Ricky it's like someone threw a fire ball at you. Are you okay?" she said looking dead at me.

The mention of them...especially him, brings me to old memories. Like today, she said they were coming back from tour, and that gave me a flash back to the last high school party we went to. Tj was pissed at the stain, everyone was hung over, the feelings between me and Ricky that could never be, and the tour bus that came that same morning.

I shook my head and got up from the Starbucks table. "Sorry, I...I gotta go." I walked away from her.

"Just remember that they are coming in one month and they are staying with us. And some other band, or bands alright?" she said also walking away. I watched her as she got in her car and drove away.

I walked over to my Chevy Apollo and turned the ignition on. The roar of it was a satisfaction to my ears. I drove to the house...more like mansion. Once I got there I parked my car in the driveway instead of the garage. I walked in the house and smelled alcohol. I saw my drunken boyfriend standing by the counter.

His grey blue eyes were red and his long red hair was messy. He looked pissed, which wasn't a good thing. I walked towards him resting my cold hands on his hot face. I saw him flinch. I leaned up on my toes and kissed his lips. His snake bites hit mine sending tingles down my spine. I loved him.

"Babe, are you okay? What's wrong?" I said worriedly. To be honest I was scared. Just like any other story.

He stared at me. Sadden eyes, angry hot skin, and his drunken state seemed to punch me in my stomach 'cause it started to hurt. I put a strand of is hair behind is ear. I wrapped my arms around his skinny lean body pulling him closer to me.

"Dominic? Baby what's wrong? Your scaring me." He snorted.

"I heard." He said. I looked at him confused.

"Heard what? About what?" I said slightly backing away to meet his eyes.

"Ricky and the guys are coming. And that you and him hooked up. Is that true?" he asked. I hesitated.

"Yeah. They're coming back from tour." I said hoping to avoid the other question.

"and that you and Ricky hooked up." His voice was louder. It boomed in my ears.

"Dominic, that....that was long ago. Since high school. Who-" he slapped me.

"Fucking slut. I thought I loved you. You worthless piece of shit. You've been cheating on me haven't you!" he yelled pushing me to the floor.

"Dom I...I haven't! I haven't cheated on you I promise! I'm with you not him! That was a year ago!" I yelled at him.

He grabbed my wrist yanking me to our room and throwing me on the bed. He put the bottle down and came to me. He sat on me and grabbed the side of my face.

"Promise me that you haven't since high school and that you will not fucking talk to him when I'm not there. Or see him. Clear?" he said.

His 'friend' pushing in me, my hands on my sides as he had his grip on me, I was turned on. I know it was wrong for me right now. Especially at this time. But c'mon, your hot boyfriend sitting on you with his big friend, strangling you, holding your wrists down, looking beyond hot today. And plus, the angry sex is always the best.

"I promise," I finally said. I leaned up to kiss him but he pulled a little away. I pouted. He let his grip loose a little.

"Don't promise me something you can't live up to hunter." He said. I released my hand from his and grabbed his neck pulling him down. Our lips met.

"I fucking promise you Dominic River." I said against his lips.

The next day was like every day. Calm. But the end of the month was different.

A bus pulled up and I went outside to see who it was. But when I saw my eyes went big 5 fucking buses in my drive way and lawn. Dark figures made their way out the busses doors.

The last bus opened the door and that's when he walked out the bus and back in my life.

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