It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 29

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"So we're settling on this?" Chris asked.

Me and Ange nodded. Chris booked us a appointment and closed the laptop.

We've been searching for new places for about two weeks. It was hell. I had to stay with Devin and it was sometimes awkward.

I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. Chris got a monster and Angelo sat next to me.

"So, you guys know that whatever happens, I still love you guys right? You are all still my family." Angelo said.

My and Chris looked at each other worryingly. We looked at Ange and scooted closer to him. "Ange..." I said worried.

"You're not going to uh... commit suicide.... right?" Chris said clearing his throat.

He shook his head. "No. I was just having a heart to heart. I want to let you guys know how much you mean to me. Hunter, you were there for me when I was new. You saved me from those football jerks." He leaned over and hugged me.

"And Chris, you're my true best friend. You're my brother. If it weren't for you... I'd..... I wouldn't be here. Meet everyone that I know now. I wouldn't have made my dream come true. I'd be at home doing go now's what. So thank you." He pulled Chris into a tight and long hug.

He pulled away and took a breath. "I want to tell you guys first.

... but..... I'm leaving the band."

Chris looked at him the same way as I did. I whiped tears from under my eyes. "What?" whispered Chris.

"Touring is screwing my health. I need to rest and I want to improve my art and become a tattoo artist." Angelo said giving me a hug.

"I..... I don't know what to say. Look Ange, I'm not going to stop you. I'm not. If this is what you want then... Ok. I support you." Chris said hugging us both.

"But, I'm going to stay for the new album. I don't think I'm going to go on the next tour." Angelo whispered. "I am going to this upcoming Warped Tour. As my way to say goodbye to the other bands. I want my going away to be on the down low.. Until I post a reason."

We both nodded.

"We have your back no matter what Angelo." I said into his neck.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "That's why you guys are my best friends. Mostly siblings."

I chuckled and stood up. "I guess we'll have to tell the guys too."

He nodded and got up. We got to the guys house and walked inside. Sam sat next to Ryan. Allie stood as she saw us and sent daggers to Sam, who just smiled back.

"Hey!! what up guys?" she said.

"I need to talk to you guys. It's really important." Ange said.

Allie called down everyone and they sat in front of us. A girl sat next to Ghost and cuddled up to him. I lifted an eyebrow and turned to Allie. She gave me the thumbs up and I nodded.

The girl tilted her head and examined me. I shifted uncomfortably and Ricky sat directly in fornt of me. I took and breath as I looked down and closed my eyes.

"So.. Ange?" Chris said looking at him.

Angelo nodded and explained everything. By the time he was done Ricky rolled his eyes and got up. "You know that's not all the reasons you're leaving Ange. Cut the crap."

Angelo looked at all of us then took in a shaky breath. "You're right. So, another reason is because of Sam. I used to be engaged to her guys. She only used me for money. Now I can only imagine what she's using you Ricky."

Ricky, outraged, attacked Angelo. Angelo easily got him off and threw him on the ground. Ricky got up and attacked him again.

What the fuck is going on?

Hi! check out my Mike, or Michael, Fuentes story. Ok? ok. Byeeee


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