It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 10

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It tried to forget that she left me here. I knew it was my fault. I told her to be 'careless' basically when she was thinking of others, other than herself.

So far it's been two weeks since she's left. And like I said, I wanted to forget her. What Ricky said about me still rung in my head.

'I know her better than everyone'

'I care for her more than anyone'

But the one that really got me was when he was crying. When he said 'I love her'.

If he did 'love' me, why couldn't he say it TO me instead of saying to everyone else?

I didn't talk to him much. I was always with Andy, Balz, and Jake. They were the three Musketeers to my story... Kind of.

I've been fine these two weeks. Kyra was out of my mind. Life was good. Dominic was erased from my mind. And I was finally okay.

But my life consists on twists.

I am recently sitting at the dining room table. Over and over I thought about what he said. He was waiting for my answer as he sat in front of me.

But was I ready to do this again?

"Please, I PROMISE that I will NOT! Ever ever ever, do this to you again babe. I real messed up and I realized my mistake. I thought I didn't need you. But I was wrong. So fucking wrong. Give me a chance?" his eyes. Those ocean grey eyes pierced into mine.

My hands locked as the rested on my forehead. I was leaned in on the table breathing slowly to calm my emotions.

Was I ready to give him a chance?

Am I even sure that he's not lying?

"I don't know Dom, I'm..... I'm not going to give you a second chance." his expressions changed.

He sighed looking down. His hands covered his face.

"But, IF you change, and I see it happen. Then maybe, maybe I will re-consider my choice."

That seemed to make him happy. He jumped up running to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'll show you I can change. This will never happen. I promise it to you" I looked at him as we pulled away.

"Dominic, don't promise me things if you have a doubt in your mind."

I sternly told him. He rapidly nodded.

"I know, I know. I just really think you're the one. And I'm screwing things up. I'm scared to lose you yet my stupid decisions are pushing you away."

We stared into each other's eyes. He leaned in and placed his soft plum lips on mine.

I didn't move. I couldn't move. My mind went black. I couldn't think.

Was this love? Or was this because Ricky was standing there watching us from the stairs?

Dominic smiled as we parted. His new re-dyed red hair fell on his face. My hand went up and moved it.

"Just one last chance Rivers, don't messed it up."

I walked away from him and passed Ricky, who stared at me with hurt in his eyes. As I walked up the stairs I put a hand over my chest. Where Ricky's matching key necklace he gave me rested underneath my shirt.

I passed my room, when I was out of anyone's sight I dashed to Kyra's room. I need to tell her EVEYTHING that happened.

I slammed the door open and saw an empty room.

Only a bed, TV, luggage, and a mirror made my view. Then it hit me.

She was really gone. I didn't see her clean out her room.

I closed the door and slid down. I looked around the room hopelessly. I started to whimper. Then I started to sob as I saw a shiny object.

I walked towards it cleaning my boogers and tears with my sleeve. I got the bracelet I gave her as a best friend thing. With it was a picture of us in Junior High.

The knock on my door interrupted my moment alone crying.

"Hey Hunter? You okay?"

"Y-yeah! I'll be right out okay?"

I heard whispering behind the door. I ran to the mirror and cleaned my eyes and basically my whole face to make myself seem normal.

"Hunts open the door."

"In a sec, I'm almost done tying my shoe." I rapidly said fixing my lips with lipstick.

"No. Open the door now. We all know that you don't tie your shoes."

"Ok just a sec."

"Hunter open the fucking door!"

"Wait okay! Just wait... Please..." a few tears fell. They were making me feel worse by screaming.

"No! FIVE... FOUR... THREE... TWO!"

The door busted open as I was still at the mirror trying to clean my eyes. Jake, Andy, Chris, Ricky, Dominic, Balz, Jinxx, Oliver, Joan and Lee were there. They all looked at me and I looked at them.

I hurriedly grabbed the bracelet and picture. I walked up to them and none of them moved out of my way.

"Hunter what's wrong?" Chris said lowering himself to look at my eyes.

I shook my head and looked down.

"Nothing. Why?" I simply said knowing I looked fine now.

"We heard you crying. What happened?" Jake said.

"Nothing. I'm fine guys." I looked up and smiled at them.

As started to walk out pushing them slightly to the side. But I was grabbed.

"Then why is your nose red?" asked Dominic.

"I rubbed it. I opened the window and the dust tickled my nose."

"Really?" he said.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Are you lying to me Hunter?" he asked.

"No Dom, please move." I tried to wiggle out of his grip.

He turned me so that my back was to his chest, he wrapped his arms around me, and he walked back inside to the room.

"Hmm... I think you are. Lying about not crying, about being okay and you just lied about the window. This appears to be closed dear. So, are you sure?" he purred in my ear.

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Dominic turned me to face him. He lowered his head and met my eyes. He wiped away the tears and kissed my forehead. His hands were still on my face.

"Hunt, what's wrong babe?"

I bit my lip shaking, I shook my head and looked down, yet I faced him as he dipped his head.

"Wanna tell me in privet?" he asked.

"I said I was okay." I moved out of his grasp and walked out.

"And whoever knocked down the door better fix that door." I said without looking back.

I laid in bed looking at the glued on glow in the dark stars in mine and Dominic's room. I can move back to my room, but I was too used to his sent.

The door creaked open and Andy's head popped in.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. Unless if you're about to give me crap."

He smiled. "Ok."

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