It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 31 (special chapter)

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Hey guys!

So this chapter is done by the awesomely lovely @HeavyMetalLover333 (I hope I got her name right)

I loved this chapter. By far my Favorite! Fan her and and and love her! Idk, but she's awesome.

Anywho, here is what you guys have been waiting for.


I need to talk to you." Ricky said pointing at me. Part of me wanted to get up and talk with him but the other part was telling me to stay on Angelo's lap. I really did like Angelo, I mean c'mon. He's sweet and caring and he's an amazing friend. He was always there when I needed him and the guys except for Ricky.

As I landed back down to Earth, I realized Angelo had tensed up and wrapped his arms around me. Ricky was just standing in front of us, waiting for me to get up.

"Take your time princess. It's not like I don't have a girlfriend to get to later today." When he mentioned his girlfriend Sam, I got pissed. I remember how Angelo had told us they were engaged and she used him for the money.

I groaned, knowing Ricky wouldn't move out of the way unless I talked to him. When I looked up at Angelo, he was glaring daggers at Ricky, then he smiled softly at me. As I tried to get up Angelo held my hip lightly.

"Don't go, I wanna stay with you." He gave me the puppy eyes I knew I couldn't resist. I just threw myself back down and flipped Ricky off.

"Go talk to your girlfriend Olsen. I want to be happy with Angelo for once. Tell her I said she could go fuck herself while you're at it." With that Ricky snapped and grabbed my wrist firmly. For a moment I honestly thought he was going to break it because he held it tightly. I began to holler at him but he dragged me into his car. Angelo was running after us, but Ricky outran him to the car.

"Sayonara bitch!" He called out to Angelo. I was scared as Ricky suddenly swerved into the street and crossed a red light. We stayed quiet throughout most of the car ride until he broke the silence.

"So... When did it happen?" Ricky asked, his eyes glued to the road. I looked out the window and tried to count the red cars passing by. "I just asked you something. Cat got your tongue or something?" I kept ignoring him because I honestly didn't want to be with him. Angelo was probably worried sick for me right now calling Chris, Balz, and the rest of the gang. The car suddenly pulled to a stop and I saw that we were outside of Starbucks.

"Come on Hunter! I'm not gonna let you stay in the car." I groaned once more, dashing out of the car and into Starbucks. He tried to open the door for me but I beat him to it and slammed it in his face. "Well, someone's in a bad mood. I'll order the coffees, just stay right here." He pointed to a table outside the cafe. I sat down and took my phone out of my pocket. I called Angelo just to let him know I was alright.

"Hunter, babe, where are you? I've been looking for you and Ricky all over." Angelo sounded worried and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Don't worry babe, I'm alright. I'll get home as soon as possible. I promise. Before I go, you sound cute when you're scared." He chuckled when I finished talking.

"Alright. Be safe and call me if you need something. I love you." After exchanging 'I love you's and hanging up, Ricky came back with two frappuchinos. I grabbed mine and sipped it in silence, not wanting to talk to him. He didn't grab his because he was looking down at the table.

"When did it happen?" Ricky asked, suddenly breaking the silence. I stopped sipping my drink and looked at him angrily.

"Why do you care?" I snapped. He looked back down at the table again. Emotions were roaming around my mind. Why does he care? It's not like he cared before. Does he still feel the same for me?

So many emotions and before I knew it everything was becoming blurry.

"Hunter. I'm sorry. For everything. I know I was an asshole for leaving you and for coming back just to hurt you again." Ricky blurted out. I just stared at him in shock and walked out into the parking lot. Tears were streaming down my face as I walked away from Ricky. He's the reason I'm in so much pain, but I love the pain he gives me. But now I'm with Angelo and he makes me happy right?

As soon as I took my phone and tried to dial Angelo's number, a hand came up and threw it out of my hand.

I was about to swing at whoever had done it but I saw it was Ricky.

"The fuck-" He then kissed me, cutting off my sentence. I tried to push him away but he only held me tighter.

What the actual fuck is going on?


I can honestly say that I fangirled a lot when I read it.




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