It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 26

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I couldn't believe it. They're here. I was good for so long that they're here.

Now I could give them the good news.

I was getting out in two weeks.


I can't believe it.

Sam is here.

I sat next to Hunter. She is glowing. She is beautiful. She is my everything.

I have to break up with Sam. I have to.

Hunter grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

"I kept my promise to be with you Ricky. I kept all our promises." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I excited. I leave in 2 weeks. I'm so glad I have you."

I gulped. Everyone looked at me. I could already read everyone's faces except hers.

'Don't lead her on Ricky.' I told myself.

"I'm glad too Hunter." and I was. I was glad to have her back. To be holding her hand in mine.

Then the door opened. Doctor Hyde came in with Sam trailing behind him. She smiled at me and Hunter got up letting go of my hand. She went up to Sam and held her hand out for her to shake it.

"Hello." Hunter sweetly smiled.

I was nervous. What if Sam causes a scene? What if they start throwing punches?

"Hi, I'm Sam. Ricky's girlfriend.... you are?" Sam replied nicely.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. Hunter snapped her head towards me. She turned her head towards Sam again. She smiled a small one and sadness flashed across her eyes.

"I'm uh... Hunter. I Um... I.. I'm just an acquaintes to them as they are to me." She quietly said.

"Sam, Hunter is-"

"I need to go talk with my doctor. I'll be uhh.. back." Hunter said cutting off Balz.

She left rather quickly. The guys sent daggers at me. Sam looked clueless. She sent me a smile and kissed me.

"Its ok Ricky. I used to be friends with a sick person. I understand if she's like that." Sam replied.

"Why are you here?" snapped Angelo.

"Becuase MY BOYFRIEND is here." She replied.

A knock on the door stop Angelo from snapping back. Dr. Hyde came in. He cleared his throat and moved his tie.

"Hunter won't be back. Due to important sessions shell be having. You guys better leave. Thanks for stopping by."

He left the door open as he left.

I'm in deep shit now.

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