It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 4

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-Kyra's pov-

"Oliii please!"


"Why not!"

"Because I'm tired woman!"

"No! You're just lazy Oliver!"

"Well fuck you then!"

"Fine! Go to fucking hell!!"

"I'm already am at hell dumbfuck!"

I slammed the door of my room and walked down stairs to see hunter and Dominic watching some TV show named Nearly Famous [Author's Note: I'M FUCKING ADDICTED TO THIS SHOW!] cuddled up on the couch. I wanted that. Oliver loved to cuddle but he's been distant towards me.

I was getting worried. We've been together 3 months, without counting the 7 months apart from tour, and he has never been this way. I need to talk to someone, who better than Hunter? I mean, after all she DID go out with oli freshmen year.

I walked nervously towards the cuddled couple's way. I played with my hands and stood next to the couch rolling on the balls of my feet.

They both looked up when they noticed my presence. They stared as if nothing was there.

"Um...h-hi guys."

"Hey Kyra. What brings you here?" Dominic smiled at me. Hunter turned back to the TV and rested her head on his shoulder scooting closer towards him. He wrapped his other arm around her and held her in a tight embrace.

"I just need to. Talk." I said.

I stood there waiting. He looked down at Hunter as she looked up at him. Then they both looked at me.

"What about?" she said turning her whole body to face me.

"Something private. If dom, doesn't mind me taking you away for a while." I said looking at him.

She looked at him too and he just smiled at her lovingly and pecked her lips.

"Don't mind me." He said getting up from the couch. He sat the control down next to her and covered her up with the blanket they had been under cuddling with.

He started to walk away but stopped and looked at me in the eyes.

"You're not pregnant are you?" he asked completely serious.

I shook my head. "Not that I know of."

"Alright. Night babe." He called out at her turning away from us.

I waited 'til he was gone into his own room. Once I head the door close I quickly ran to Hunter's side. I slumped on the couch.

"So what's crackalackin sweet cheeks?" she said smiling a goofy grin. I gave a small smile.

"Problems." I said putting my head on the couch looking at her.

She turned to the TV off and reluctantly looked at me.

"What type of problems?" she asked. "You're not pregnant are you?" she said in a whisper.

"What no! Why are you and Dom assuming that?!?!" I asked her. I felt my eyes pop out in disbelief; Shaking my head into my hands.

I felt her cold fragile hand on the back of my head. "I just. You and oli are always.. We just worry-"

"Can we forget this? And just help me on my problem?" I said trying to avoid her answer to me being a so called 'whore'.

"Yeah, sorry. So just tell me what's been going on." She chirped. I pulled my head up and stared at her.

"Oliver had been distant. And I'm starting to worry. And I wanted to ask you since you both went out in the beginning of high school. I know we've been together 3 months, not including the tour, but I'm starting to think he doesn't want me." I looked at her. "Do you know why?"

She remained quiet. But nodded her head.

"Ok should I be scared?" I asked biting my lip. A sad look flashed across her face.

"Hey! Let's get some ice cream!" she exclaimed running towards the kitchen where we found matt and Tj talking by the counter.

I grabbed her hand and looked at her in the eyes. Tj and matt had stopped talking to listen in as she whispered.

"Huh?" I said wanting her to speak louder.

"He's cheating on you."

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