It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 22

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The doctors came in and a nurse followed with a wheel chair. The guys looked nervous as the doctor un-hooked me from the machines.

I looked around at everyone. My father came in as they sat me on the wheelchair. My eyes got big. I looked at my father helplessly.

"Dad. Wh-what are they doing?" My body started shaking. "Dad?!"

He shook his head. I heard heels. I looked at her. A smile broke on her face.

A smile of accomplishment.

"Hi honey, You're getting the help that you need. We would've done this sooner but this silly guy her always put up a fight. I guess now he realized how much you needed this." She said.

I looked away from her. I stared at my father. The guys stood still. "W-hat?" whispered taking in breaths.

"I tried everything Princess, I'm sorry. So sorry, but... I couldn't keep paying then to not take you. I failed at keeping you safe Princess." He said. He hugged me tightly. "Forgive me. I'll get you out in no time. I promise."

He pulled away as the nurse started to push the wheelchair. I could see the tiredness in his eyes. The sadness. The stress of not giving up.

"I don't need this Dad. I'm not sick. IM NOT SICK!" I started to kick.

The nurse stopped the wheelchair as I got up the nurse yelled for help. The doctors held me as I tried to escape from their arms.

The guys and my Father came running out the room to see the scene. I failed at the attempts to jump away from them. I would go down than jump. But they still held me.

Dominic came out and looked a me. Horror simply stated on his face. The doctor came over to me with a needle.

Panic rose and I struggled more to get out of their grasps. "DAD! DADDY!"

I cried harder as the doctor got closer. My dad let tears fall. He put his head down to avoid seeing what happend next. Ricky and the guys couldn't move. Dominic tried getting me but the nurses held him back.

He scream as he tried to get my outstretched hand. I felt my face hot. My head hurt. My yells only got louder.

"RICKY!" He snapped out of his gaze looking at me. A tear fell from his eye as my vision became blurry.

I felt a sting and pressure on my arm. My eyes fluttered. I need to fight this. I don't need this.

As the medication kicked in I felt my self pass out to the screams of Dominic, the tears of Ricky and my father, and the victory smile of my mother.

All I knew was that I am not crazy. I don't need help.

I'm not crazy.

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