It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 5

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[Dedicated to


hahaha her names big!]

Telling her the truth was awful because by a week after she was locked in her room. She had kicked Oliver out 'their' room and he had to move into my room. I had to move in with Dominic and I wasn't complaining.

"Hey can I talk to you?"

I turned around from finishing washing the dishes. I saw Ricky there. Dripping wet with a towel around his waist. Which was about to fall at any moment; and believe me I was hoping for that it would. Shaking my head and biting my lip I looked up at him.

"Uh y-yeah sure, what about?" I asking whipping my hands and walking to the fridge.

"Just things." He sat on the counter and I sat on the table causing him to turn around to face me.

"Uh okay. Like?"

"Well, I know that the day before me and the guys left you were broken up about it. So, first off I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for that and second of all I want to ask you if you would come to the next tour that is in about 3 or 5 months. We're not sure on the date yet."

I nodded. He looked down at his hands making his bangs like curtains to hide his face.

"Thanks Ricky and I would be honored to go, it just depends what happens between the time now and then." He nodded.

Then the guys came down running down the stairs and out the door when Ricky was about to say something else. We heard the door slam shut and roars of engines outside. Dominic came down stairs with a suitcase. Oh yeah he had a trip for his collage class. They were going to Europe to study or some shit.

He came up to me and glared at Ricky. I stood up and faced him. He wrapped his arms around my wait pushing me closer to him. I pushed back some hair from his face and kissed him. I felt his lip ring cold making tingles go throughout my body.

"I'll be back in no time. I promise you okay?" He said putting his forehead to mine. I nodded sadly.

"Yeah you mean in 2 months of me being stuck here without you." I said sighing. He smiled at me.

"I'll bring you back something alright?" I kissed him. "Promise me you'll be faithful to me while you're there. I'm not gonna lose you to some European chick."

He chuckled "as long as you keep your promise" I nodded and kissed him.

He backed off and we both saw Ricky looking very uncomfortable. Dominic went up to him and held out his hand. Ricky stared at it and then shook it.

"See you later man" Dominic said.

"Have a safe trip. It's gonna be boring and shit Ricky said to him as he set his hand back to his lap.

Dominic walked to me and gave me a long kiss. After we parted he got his bags and left. Ricky stared at me.

"You know he's going to cheat. No guy has never gone to some other country, stayed faithful and came back." He said. I glared at him.

"Oh so your experienced with that huh? Does Jessica know?" he said nothing. That's what I thought. "I trust him to keep that promise just like me. Got that?" I snapped once more at him. He just nodded.

Once it was possible for me to calm down and sigh Ricky spoke up.

"Anyways, I understand that. Another topic is of" I looked at him puzzled.

There were no us. Never has been. He even made that clear when he left.

"What do you mean us rick? You never wanted a relationship when I wanted to. I gave you many chances in high school and when I was single. Now that I'm dating someone you mention 'us'." Getting upset and angry.

"Yeah you dating someone who's going to cheat!" he got up and stood by the table.

"Only because you've cheated on Jessica doesn't mean he'll cheat on me too so shut the fuck up!" I said raising my voice while getting up too.





He took in a breath and opened his mouth just to be interrupted by Kyra.

"Guys what's going on? I was getting ready to leave for work and I heard y'all start yelling at each other." She said coming closer to us.

We both huffed as we still stared at each other. I shook my head.

"Nothing sweetums just go to work will you?" I told her nicely.

She eyed us and nodded. She grabbed her keys of the key holder and walked to the garage door. "CALL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!" she hollered out shutting the door.

We heard the guys cars pull up. I scooted the chair up to the table and huffed once again. Ricky pulled down his shirt as I walked off.

"Hey hunts wait I'm so-"

"I don't need an apology. I need time and away from you right now." I said over my shoulder.

The door opened and the ocean of band members flooded the house.

"Hey gal! Wanna watch a movie with us?" asked oli.

I shook my head. "Sorry guys. I'm gonna head to bed."

It wasn't easy to talk to Ricky right now. I was pissed. I knew he was too and that kind of upset me.

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