It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 34

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We laughed and ran. We ran to the car. Ran to the place thingy that let us wed.

But there was one problem.

We couldn't get married. yet. We needed to sign documents and all this crap. The papers would be finalized in 4 days.

So that gave time for the rest of the guys to come.

Alley helped me pick a dress. Nothing big and fancy. Just a dress I'd still wear when I wanted to after MY wedding.

It felt good to say that. MY wedding. Not yours. Not his. Not hers. Not anyone's. MY. MY, MY, MY wedding.


It was a day before the actual 'wedding' would occur. I was nervous as hell but excited.

My wedding was on the next day. Ricky already had his friend to be the 'preacher'.

I slept with a smiled on my face, But woke up with Ryan and Allie jumping on my bed yelling "HUNTER AND RICKY SITTING ON A TREE. K I S S I N G!"

I groaned and smiled widely. Allie ran to get my dress and Ryan chuckled as he helped me up and to the shower. He turned the water on and closed the door behind him when he left.

I showered and shaved fast. I ran out in a towel and dried myself. Allie dried my hair as I put on my dress and undergarments. She curled my hair and helped me with make-up.

I got my shoes and slipped them on. I took a glance towards a very emotional Allie. She cupped her mouth with both hands and cried as She looked at me.

"Aww Allie Hun. Don't cry because I'll cry."

"Sorry, I'm just.... emotional. That's all." she said.

"We'll, c'mon. Everyone is waiting down stairs." I said.

I pulled her hand and we walked down the stairs. The guys all stood up and faced us. Angelo smiled at me.

Ricky came up to me and grabbed my arm, hooking it with his. "Ready Mrs. Vahn?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, Olsen." I said.

He chuckled and walked us out. "Don't ware out my name. It'll soon be yours too."

He opened the car door and I sat in. Ryan and Allie sat in the back. Ricky made his way to the drivers side and drove.

He drove up to the lake and I saw his friend, Kuza, standing near the water in a suit. We walked towards him.

"Hi, I'm Hunter." I said smiling at him.

"Hi, I'm Kuza." He said.

He smiled at Ricky and I. "So, were you already a priest or something?" I asked.

He chuckled and shook his. "No, I actually took a quick test and got certified. I have a certificate and everything. The lady that I went to go stamp it with looked quite shocked to see me. But I can understand. I mean, look at me. Me being a priest? No way right?" He said.

I laughed. "So? At least you can marry us." I said.

I looked up at Ricky and smiled. He looked down at me and kissed me. Kuza smiled and clapped his hands.

"Well, let's get to it guys." He said.

The guys stood behind Ricky Allie behind me with Chris's little sister. I saw someone taking pictures. I looked over at the red clean styled hair.

I gasped when he lowered the camera. He smirked and nodded at me. I had the biggest smile playing on my lips.

I wanted to cry.

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