It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 30

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Its wasn't long for us to move into the new place we found.

What ricky said still rung in my head. I couldn't realy grasp on it when he's still with Sam.

On the other hand, Kyra recently sent me a letter through email explaining everything that has been happening. Zen also made contact with me saying that her and some guy ran to Vegas and got married.

I laid in my bed. My eyes were about to close when a felt a sudden wieght change on my bed.

I looked over to see Angelo there. I smiled at him and he puts one of his arms inder my head. I cuddle up to his side and sighed. He lookes over at me.

"You tired?"

I nodded and yawn into his chest. I close my eyes amnd feel him reach over and turn off the lamps on the sides.


"Yeah?" I softly said.

"You know, I never told this to anyone but.... I um.. Fancy.... you."

I looked at Angelo after turning on the side lamps. He looked at me with a worries expression. I sweetly smile at him amd lean down to press my lips to his.

I pull away, turn the lights off and rest my head on his chest. I reach for his hand and lock my fingers with him.

"Honestly, I kinda liked you with i met you. Then me amd Ricky had a thing and then he got a girlfriend while we still had something. You guys left, i met Dominick and now.... here i am."

I looked up at him as he leand down. "This might not be the right time to ask you, so I'll wait if i have too."

I smiled down, blushing. I did fancy Angelo, but I also didn't want to cause a problem with the band.

But Angelo was leaving. He already told them. I smiled up at him. His blue eyes danced with curiosity. "Just ask Angelo."

He looked at every inch of my face. I saw his lips twitch into a smile. "Hunter Vahn, Will you be mine and only mine? No one elses?"

I leaned down to his face. Our noses touched. I kissed the top of his upper lip. "Ofcourse. Just you and me."

The next days passed. Me and Angelo would go on dates, Chris knew about us along with Devin, balz and ryan. Ricky and Allie didn't know.

I sat down on Angelos lap. He looked up at me from his design he was doing on his laptop. He leaned in amd kissed me.

I laugh as he nibbles on my neck. His dog Maggie jumps onto my lap. Chris walks in and sits on the couch next to us. He places a bowl of wings on the table infront of the tv.

"So guys, I already have songs written down and Ricky is almost done figuring out the guitar parts." Chris said.

"So I need to do the drum parts now i guess." Angelo said.

I pouted making him kiss my lips. Chris coughed and Ange and I looked up to see Ricky glare at us standing infront of the tv.

"I need to talk to you." He said pointing at me.

I held my breath and nodded.

Hai guys! Just wondering if one of you would like to write a chapter for one of my stories? I'll give credit, dedicate it to you AND follow you if im not already. Yeah?


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