It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 25

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"They'll be here in no time Hunter. Don't worry." Dr. Hyde said.

He smiled warmly at me. I smiled back gracefully. Then frowned.

"What's wrong, Hunter?"

"What.... what if they don't like me? What if I changed into someone they dislike, or worse! what if they changed!?" I exclaimed standing up.

I started to pace as he watched in amusement. "But Hunter, you said your friends accepted difference. Why would they dislike you?"

I stopped pacing. I looked at the window. There were no curtains on it. the blinds were open. The view was the road that led to Greenville. Two cars suddenly appeared in the distance.

I looked back at Dr. Hyde. "Becuase I'm the same person I was still. I'm scared that they'll not accept me. I'm scared that they wanted me to be different when I am not."

I licked my lips. I could hear him write down things. "I'm scared that Ricky doesn't want me anymore."



I got in the car. Chris and Ghost looked at me with amused expressions. "What?"

"Pole stick? Really?" asked Chris.

"Shut up and drive."

We got to Greenville and I took a deep breath as I got out. My phone vibrated in my back pocket which caused me to get more nervous.

"Hey babe. I'll be waiting for you when you get back. I have a little surprise ;)" it said.

I locked my phone, not texting Sam back. I followed the guys inside up to the receptionist office. A middle aged lady sat up straight on the desk. She looked over at us doing a double take and smiled widely.

"Hi! Welcome ti Greenville! Who may I help you with today?" She asked shaking our hands.

"Uh, um we're here to see Hunter Vahn." Ryan spoke up.

Her smile got wider and bigger, if that's even possible. Chris smiled back. "She is excited to see you guys again. She never stops talking about you guys. I can honestly say that she misses you guys."

"Really now?" asked Chris.

"Yeah, there's this one boy though. She won't stop drawing him. Oh, the doctor will see you guys now. He's waiting for you guys. He's on the third floor, room 135." She smiled waving us off.

We got to Dr. Hyde's room. We walked inside and looked around. I didn't see Hunter. I looked at the papers that were scattered on his desk. He looked up at us and smiled warmly.

"So, how are you guys? Did Sharon treat you guys right? I know she's a handful." He chuckled.

We smiled and nodded. He got papers and looked around. "First things first." He sighed.

"She's doing great. She talks back. No fights. She's been on good behavior. Yes, the first few weeks were tough for her, but she got used to things quickly. She has been waiting to see you guys for a long time now. She never stops talking about you guys." He smiled and looked at his papers.

"Now, tell me who is this... Ricky Olsen guy." He said sitting up straight

I sheepishly raised my hand up slouching in the chair. "Me sir. I'm Ricky Olsen."

He narrowed his eyes at me. He seemed like he was thinking. "So you're the famous Ricky? I've been waiting to meet you."

I shifted in my seat not knowing what to say. "Oh... uh.... why?"

He raised an eye brow at me. He smiled again. "She won't stop taking about you. I just hope you guys know that. I know this is none of my business but I know that she loves you. I can tell when she talks about you."

He got up and handed us visitors passes with our names on them. I sighed rolling my eyes as everyone walked out.

It was like they wanted me to feel bad. Guilty. They always mentioned her liking, or in this case, loving me.

I know what I promised her.

But I couldn't just feel empty for 3 long months with never seeing her. Knowing about her. Its wasn't my fault she's insane.


What did I just fucking say about her? I know she's not insane. I know she's not but why did I say it?

I should be here instead. I'm insane. That's a fact.

"Just follow me and I'll lead you guys to her room." Dr. Hyde walked down hallways and a staircase.

We turned the corner with the numbers #4567 printed in black letters.

He opened the door after knocking. "Hunter? What are you doing on the floor?" He asked walking in.

We stood outside. He stood between the door facing the left. The window that was straight ahead from the door had small bars on it. I could see a corner of a bed with blue sheets.

"Hunter? I have a surprise for you. But please answer my question." He kindly said.

I was happy that he was her doctor. He wasn't like the other doctors that I usually see that are impatient assholes.

"Oh. Hi Dr. Hyde. I was concentrated with this drawing. I didn't hear you knock."

Her voice. Her voice made my knees week. I missed her angelic voice. My hands started shaking. I started bouncing on my feet.

I wanted to see her. I wanted to hold her. I wanted her.

"Oh, what are you drawing? May I see it?" He asked.

We heard her moving then saw hin reaching out. He grabbed the paper with black crayon scribbled on it. We could hear scratches along the floor. I guess she was drawing again.

"Dr. Hyde? When are they getting here? I'm getting impatient. What if they don't want to see me?" She quietly ask as the scratches stopped.

Dr. Hyde gave the paper to Angelo. Angelo turned and showed us the drawing of me... Well, it was my face.

"Well Hunter, I know for a fact that they are just excited to see you." He said smiling.

"Really?!" She said happily.

He took a step back and motioned us in. We walked, well ran in, to see a small petite girl with long dark brown hair that was in the middle of her back. She wore a all white. She didn't look as skinny as she did before. She had more meat.

"OH MY GOD!" she yelled. She ran up to us and hugged each one of us tightly. She stepped away looked at us. She smiled really big before attacking us with tighter hugs and kisses on our cheeks.

"I missed you guys so much. I have been good to see you guys." She closed her eyes. A few happy tears fell from her eyes.

"Especially you Ricky."

So guys, I think I'm going to delete BYTMTW and the Michael Vampire one because I don't even update them and I'm honestly running out of ideas.


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