It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 32

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"What did we do?"

"It's Just For Fun."

Just like that, those 4 words changed everything. Time was repeating it's self. I didn't want that.

I bit my lip and got out of the bed. I put on my undergarments and my pants. He sat up resting on his elbows and watched me.

"What? Hunts, What are you doing? Hunter." He started to call out to me.

I shook my head. I put on my shirt. I grabbed my phone and walked to the door. In a swift movement I felt my hands being grabbed.

I got turned and my back slammed on the door. I gasped and faced an angry Ricky.

"WHY?! WHY MUST YOU RUIN EVERYTHING HUNTER!? HUH???" he screamed making me flinch.

"Let me go, Olsen."


I shoved him away, knocking him onto the bed with all my force. "WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU, RICKY!? I ALWAYS WAITED FOR YOU! ALWAYS!"

I whiped away my angry tears. I opened the door and looked back at him. "I've always gotten hurt by you Ricky. I was always there. You were always one step behind. I need to move on."

I sniffed and whiped my nose. "You're too late now Ricky. You deal with all this shit yourself this time."

"Wait." He said as I almost closed the door.

I turned around and looked at him. "What?"

"Wait." He stood up. He fully opened the door.

"Wait for me. I'll make everything better. I promise."

I shook my head at him. "No." I said. I looked down and steadied my breathing. "You're too late, Ricky."

I started to walk away. Ricky reached out and grabbed a hold on my wrist. "No." he said shaking his head.


"YOU TOLD ME YOU'D WAIT FOR ME RICKY AND YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!" I screamed at him. I shook my wrist out of his grip.

"I waited for you. To give you a chance." I took a breath and stared in his eyes. I smiled and blinked many times. "I- I just....." I pressed my lips together. I looked down again. "I guess I waited too long for you. You got Sam, right? Forgot about me....Everyday I talked to my doctor. Everyday was about you. How excited I was close to see you. Every fucking day."

I looked at his tear rimed eyes. His face was red, his hair sticked out in directions and the tiny hairs puffed out and blew in the wind, his body shook in the cold. He sniffed making his shoulders go up and down.

"I waited for you, but you threw it all away."

"Just one step. Please. Please let me catch up. This time I want to make things right. Just this time."

I whiped my tears away. I gave him the best fake smile I could make and walked away. "Please, Hunter."

I got into his car and locked the doors as he ran inside to get changed. I pulled out and rode away.

I could see his figure running out and ran after the car. He stopped at the corner and stared after me.

It took me all my power to not break down and cause an accident as I drove away.

Truth was, I was still in love with him, but I'm too stupid to let him go. Angelo was a replacement. He only filled in what Ricky left.

I had to make things right.

Was it good?

I didn't know how to write after last chapter.... I did my best haha.

Comment, rate, put this in your pocket along with a sad Ricky and a worried Angelo and love it damnit.


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