It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 11

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"Even if it rains and the sun won't shine, sun won't shine, whatever the weather you'll be mine, you'll be mine, let's watch the rain fall! And wash away our innocence" I sang rather loudly in the shower to Abandon All Ships.

The guys were out to a bar, so that meant I had the house all to myself... since Kyra was gone.

As I got out with a towel around me and I was humming 'Swing Life away' by Rise Against. I got another towel while singing the song this time.

"We live on front porches and swing life away. We get just by here on mi-" I stopped on my tracks.

There he stood, messy hair, staring and scanning my body, drunken gaze, red eyes, and a bottle of beer in hand.


"Oh hey Ricky... umm... what are you doing here Hun? I thought you were with the guys. Wait, are you all back?" I asked him trying to look over his shoulder.

All he did was smirk. He put the bottle down and walked my way. I backed away from him but the counter sink stopped me from going any further. He leaned closer to me. Staring at me. I was getting scared.

He was drunk.

"R-Ricky stop. Back off. Now." I tried shoving him but that only got him to move closer to me. "Your drunk rick, go to your room."

He didn't move a muscle, he got closer to me.

"Hunter I'm not drunk. I'm just tired and I got bored drinking so I came back. Everyone is obliviously drunk to notice anything right now."

"Well can you at least back off?" I asked him.

My hands rested on his chest. He shook his head.

"No, we both know what you want. And we know Dominic will go back on his word. Let me show you how much I care for you hunts, I really meant what I said." He said wrapping an arm around my]e.

"Really? You told me that you were never leaved me, yet you did."

"Hunter don't make this harder on yourself. I already talked to you about this. We got over it. Stop bringing it back." He calmly said.

Our lips were barely touching. Oh god was I crazy or what for thinking of doing him here and now? Or was this another horney thought?

"P-please back off Ricky. Just please." I quietly spoke.

"No hunter, I will show you no matter what. Now lose the towel." He said.

I felt his warm touch on my stomach as his hand entered my towel tugging on it. His other hand on my waist went up to my cheek and jaw bringing my face closer.

His kiss was deadly, a curse, intoxicated by his taste, I needed more.

"Lose it." He growled.

I did, I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me. He sat me on the sink taking his shirt and jeans off. I tugged his boxers.

"off." I mumbled against his lips.

He smiled and did so.

Not only was his kiss intoxicating, so was he.

I then realized how much missed him.

I arched my back and pulled his head closer to my neck by his hair. He bit me and I couldn't take it. I had my legs around his waist, my arms tightly held on to him as he kept at it. He gasped at times near my ear which only made me beg for more.

"Ricky... I..." I moaned. It seemed to only turn him more. And I was okay with it. I can honestly say that I COULD feel the love that he had for me. Shit he was better than Dom, way, way better. I held on to the water faucets as we both started to climax.

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