It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 8

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Jakes pov

The stairs creaked as we got closer to her room. It was dark and cold.

We knocked on the door and went in. Andy and I glanced at each other worriedly and walked to her laying body.

Jinxx sat next to her, Andy at her feet, and I stood there. Speechless at the horrible sight of my depressed friend.

"Hunter?" Andy said softly at the girl.

She only stared straight ahead at a tree. Her chest falling and raising slowly. She was an undefinable pale color, purple dark bags under her eyes, she never blink or moved. It looked like her body was eating itself.

"Hunter, we brought you food." I said.

My voice cracked, my eyes burned, and I think I was about to cry.

The guys looked over at me. I sniffed and whipped part of my left eye and under my nose. I walked up to her face and kneeled to meet her eye level.

"Please eat." I said again.

Jinxx went up to us with the plate of food. Andy got up and ran to the other side of her bed to help her sit up.

She didn't stop looking at the tree. I walked over to the certain and closed it. I turned back to look at her and she quickly shut her eyes.

Tears fell down from the sides of her eyes. Jinxx got the napkin he had in his pocket and cleaned her tears.

As Andy adjusted himself, he wrapped an arm around her. He held her hand with his other free hand.

Jinxx scooted closer to her and fed her. She opened and closed her mouth. She took her time swallowing the omelet Jinxx fed her.

He put a straw in the cup of juice and stuck the straw in between her lips.

It wasn't until Andy urged her to drink that her lips started to move.

She backed away from the straw and looked back at the curtain.

"Hunter, I-I know that heart breaks are tuff, you feel lonely, sad, angry. You think that it's your own fault that this happened. Like the light of your day turned night. But I want to tell you, that... That you're not alone. I'm here. Jinxx, Jake, and everyone else are here. We'll be the light to your life, day, darkness, whatever it'll be. Were always here. I know what you're going through. Yet your heart break was worse. I caught them in action. You saw pictures and read comments. At least be happy that you didn't see it live. Right in front of you. We all love you. We all might not know you pretty well but you've done so much for us that it's time for us to give back. Just, please let us help. And try to get over it; Kyra is freaking out each second. And we can't even write songs without it being depressing. Just... Please Hunter talk. Try." Andy looked like he was crying.

But then I was sure he was when he broke into a sob. Jinxx got up and hugged him.

Andy patted his back after hugging to let him know he was ok.

I felt tears come out of my eyes. Jinxx went out the room. Taking the food and drink.

That's when I knew I had to leave.

I kissed her cheek and hugged a sobbing Andy.

As I closed the door behind me I whipped away falling tears.

Hunter's pov

I cried.

"I just don't want you to g-go t-through what I did." he was wetting my shoulder.

Finally I had the strength to hug him back tightly.

"I will try okay? Not for anyone. But for me and you. I want to be strong and help you too. Okay? We'll both cure this heartbreak. Together." I told him holding his face in my hands.

My hands squished his cheeks together showing his front teeth as he sobbed. His eyes were red and swollen looking.

His face was a strawberry color. I felt his head hot.

I looked at him one more time before crashing my lips to his forehead and hugging him tightly like a mother would to its little child.

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