It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 13

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"Oh hey, haven't seen you around here."

"Yeah, and I tend to keep it that way after this. So don't get any ideas."

"Whatever, why are you here?"

"Is your sister home?"

"Maybe, maybe not. It depends."

"Depends on what?"

"If I can take you on a date."

"Can you just fucking leave me alone? Is she here or not Matt?"

"Why can't you just go with me on one fucking date?"

"Last time I tried to be nice to you by going you wanted to get in my pants in YOUR FUCKING CAR!"

"It won't happen this time!" I rolled my eyes.

"Is your sister here or not?" I asked once again.

"Kyra! SOMEONE'S HERE FOR YOU!" Soon enough I heard footsteps running down the hall way from the kitchen.

I started to walk in but Matt put his hand on the door frame blocking my entrance.

"Nuh-uh sweet heart." He smugly said.

Urgh I really hated this guy. But I was glad that she was now standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.



"What are you doing here?" she said quiet smugly like Matt.

"Can we talk? Or are you going to be a child and ignore all of us?" I said mimicking her ways.

"No, we can't. I'm busy with things." She said looking at her nails.

"Kyra, I fucking swear that I will grab you by your hair if I have to." I said though my teeth.

"You do that and I'll kick your ass." Said Matt.

"You need to shut the fuck up. This is none of your business, and what makes you think you can hit me? You can't hit girls fucking douche." I said glaring at him.

"Phsst what? I'm not afraid to hit a girl."

"Kyra, you aren't doing anything. So stop acting childish and c'mon, we need to talk." I said ignoring her brother.

"No, I don't have to go. You made it really clear when you kicked me out that you didn't need me." She said.

"Okay look, you choose to leave. No one kicked you out. And I never said I didn't need you. All I said was that you were over reacting okay? No please c'mon." I told her.

She sighed walking away then coming back with shoes and bag. I walked to my car and she got into the other side. The ride to Starbucks was quiet and calm. We could hear each other's breathing since I didn't put any music on.

I looked at my Umbrella Academy watch and saw that it was 1:38. Starbucks was about 20 more minutes away. I mentally groaned and got a cassette tape out of under the passenger's seat. I put it on and turned the volume up.

"WE ARE 138! WE ARE 138! WEEE AAAAREEE! 138!" I sang along to The Misfits.

I started to head bang at a red light and from the corner of my eye I could see that she was trying not to smile. I unbuckled myself and leaned towards her head banging. My hair hitting her face as she finally laughed.

My neck started to hurt so I stopped but did three more bangs as she bit my hair. I gasped and backed away from her.

"THE FUCK KYRA! JESUS!" I said taking a hold of my lose hair.

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