It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror-

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His arms wrapped around me keeping me warm. The cold breeze hit us. I shivered a little and looked up at him. He smiled down at me.

"So what's going to happen after high school?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I said turning in his embrace. I laid my head on his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"You're going off to college. I'm staying here with the band. We won't see each other anymore." He said backing away a little.

I watched him as he looked in my eyes. I saw him lean a little closer.

"I thought we were keeping 'us' a secret. You said and-" He cut me off. He walked away to the edge of the pond.

"Look, why don't we just forget this is go to the last high school party. Get your things and let's go." Ricky said.

He got in the car and waited for me as he stared down at the steering wheel. The car lights were on making it easy for me to search my things but hard to see the way to the car.

Once I got there he started the car and backed away. I started to open my mouth to talk to him, but he tuned the music on. I looked at him and he had no emotion upon his face. His shiny eyes pierced to the road and his pale face looked hard.

Once we got to the party the smell hit us. Alcohol, sweat, and Horney seniors. Ahhh the smell that I will miss I thought. Ricky went to Chris and Angelo leaving me alone. I looked around and spotted my friend Zen. She was standing next to Balz drinking. I didn't want to break anything.

I made my way to the table that was filled with drinks. I spotted a bottle of whiskey that was unopened. I grabbed it and went upstairs looking for an empty room. Once I found one, which happened to be Tj's room. I locked the door and opened the bottle and started to drown it.

I was beyond wasted. I didn't know where is was nor did I care. I still knew what was going on and what everything was. The door opened and I closed my eyes. The bed shifted and I felt warn skin touch my cold one.

"Hunt's are you awake?" the person asked.

"urrgh" I turned on to my side and let the half empty bottle fall to the ground spilling what was left.

The person sighed and got up. I heard him pick it up and throw it away. He sat next to my stomach.

"Tj is gonna kill you if he sees that stain on his carpet Hunter. C'mon lets go take you home." He said.

He picked me up and carried me. The music had stopped. I felt the cold weather as I was set in a car. I reluctantly looked over to the guy. Ricky. He looked over at me and I gave a toothy smile. He smiled a little one back and turned to the highway.

Tomorrow was the last day of our high school rebel lives. I wasn't ready to leave anyone. The thought of it made me start crying. Ricky looked over fast and pulled up to a white house. He got out and ran to my door.

Grabbing me and carrying me in, throwing the keys somewhere and walking up the stairs. He stopped at the top looking lost.

"Shit, hunter, sweetheart where's your room? I never been to your house and your 'rents aren't here for the week." Ricky said.

I managed to sob directions. He laid me on my bed and took off his clothes only to reveal him in his boxers. He changed me to a muscle shirt and some shots. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer.

"What's wrong hunts?" he asked digging his face in my neck.

"Should I tell you?" I said. He nodded in my hair. I huffed and told him everything. I wanted to just close my eyes and never wake up.

"and the worst part, is that we're fooling around when your dating Jessica. You're cheating on her when we both promised that it was a one-time thing." I said.

He shifted. And turned me to face him and he leaned down kissing me. "And it is hunt. It is." He said deepening the kiss. It started to get rougher. We were under the sheets already and clothes on the ground.

I pulled away for a split second as he was positioning himself.

"Ricky, wait." I said trying to sit up but failed. He started to kiss my neck.

"What?" he said between kisses.

"Promise me something." I said. I gasped as he found my weak spot.

"Anything for you." He said.

I took a breath. "Don't fall in love with me." I said. He stopped kissing me and stayed quiet.

"Ricky?" I asked as I touched his cheek. "Promise me please. I don't wanna get hurt. And I don't want to hurt you either." I said.

He shook his head and kissed me shutting me up.

"I can't promise that when it already happened. I just can't." he said.

I then gasped at the feeling of him inside.

And this all started as one mistake.

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