It's Just For Fun -Ricky Horror- 33

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I watched him lace back and forth. His boots were brand new, so he wanted to break them in.

He got up and I faced his shirtless chest. I shivered and got up. I felt guilty as I pictured us doing things that no one would do at church.

He smiled at me and put on his tight BlackCraft shirt and military jacket. He grabbed my hand and with the other he held my face. "I'll be back OK? And when I'm back.." He started.

He kissed me on the ear "we'll finish what we started... sound good?" he kissed a trail to my lips.

I grabbed him from his face and forced him still as we made out. He tried making me go, grabbing My hands and pulling me away as he chuckled.

"Damn babe, why so.... horny?" he asked amused.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I blushed and shook my head. "I just... YOU NEED TO LEAVE!"

I grabbed his hands and pulled him out of the living room to the garage. Chris waited for him in his car. He chuckled as I pushed Angelo into the passenger seat.

I looks at Chris. "Make sure he gets straight home. Speed the photo shoot if you can. Comprende?"

He smirked and saluted me. "Sure will do Hunter. Just... Control yourself OK?" He laughed and drove out and away as I blushed.


I turned around and Angelo looked at me. His eyes traveled up my body. I was doing laundry so I only had some boy shorts and a tight shirt that went down to the middle of my stomach.

I blushed and looked away. He walked up to me and held me from my hips. He picked me up and sat me on the dryer.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He smiled and kissed me. "Do you wanna?" He asked as his kissed up and down my neck.

I simply nodded and grabbed his face in my hands. His attached his lips with mine and scooted me closer to him.

"How about we add some clothes to the dirty laundry?" I whispered into his ear.

He tensed up as I undid his buckle. I smirked and chuckled. "You act like this is bad."

"Shut up." he murmured.

I laughed and burried my face into his neck. He groaned "Stop making fun of me." he whined.

"Sorry babe." I giggled.

(Sorry not going to write the sex scene this time haha)

Ricky's P.O.V.


Walking past Maggie, I could hear grunts. Confused, I walked up stairs to Angelo's open doored bedroom.

"Fuck, Angelo." Hunter moaned under him.

"Oh My God." He said into her neck.

I stood there. I couldn't move. I could feel my eyes burn in sadness, betrayal, and confusion. I gasped and tugged on my hair.

"RICKY?! DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!" Angelo yelled. He covered hunter up and grabbed his boxers, putting them on.

"I.... I just... I'll come back later." I quietly said as I looked at Hunter. She looked at me with sad eyes then looked away.

"Can you stop staring at her, man?" Ange said annoyed.

I nodded and ran out of his house. Maggie barked at me as I got in my car.

I got home and saw Sam waiting for me on the couch. She wore a black corset and yellow high heels. She had lit candles all over my house. No doubt that this was very hazardous.

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