Chapter 10: Will Lizu forgive Rayn?

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Sorry guys the last chapter which I published was really short so to make it up for that, I will write this chapter longer than I usually do.

 So, what do you think will she forgive him?? Alright, let's find out....

PRECAP: Everyone went to the fresher's party, everyone looked super hot;) and then just as Lizu entered, her eyes met the pair of eyes which made her heart go crazy, they passed smiles and just as Lizu was going her way, she heard someone talk shit about her, it was none other than Rayn and a bunch of cocky seniors. she heard Rayn say some stuff which she never expected to come out from his mouth and just as their eyes met again, Lizu's heart no more went crazy and all she was feeling was anger and hate. Rayn went after her to explain but obv she didn't let him justify himself. She went to her room, cried and slept and on the other hand Rayn was with Kev making a solid plan so that Lizu could forgive him. They were all set with the plan and now it's time for execution! 

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Next morning, Lizu's pov

I wake up to the face of my beautiful best friend.

Soph: good morning, how are you feeling babe.? 

Me: You woke up early? How?? Is something special today?

Soph: I woke up early to surprise you with something, but before that answer me, how are you feeling?

Me: I am fine Soph but I am still in shock, how come this night owl of mine become an early bird!?

Soph: Well, you will get your answer in a second. and she brings a tray with breakfast and keeps it onmy lap. Especially for princess Lizu, Breakfast in bed.! made by the best and the most beautiful cook and also the bestestestestest friend one could ever get, SOPHIA WATSON!

Me: You are so self- obsessed bro, I said in a mocking way. Well thanks for this honor. May I know why I am getting this special treatment? 

Soph: It's just- nothing. You are getting this treatment because you are special to me and I wanted to tell that to you. she said without making the eye contact.

Me: Soph, look into my eyes and tell me the reason, is everything okay??

Soph: It's just I got to know about last night and that's why- well anyways, have it and also you owe me a breakfast in bed! she said with a giggle just to change the topic.

Me: I knew it! That jerk told you this right!? I knew he will spread the thing. Was he proud when he was telling you? was he smirking??? I am gonn-

Soph: she cut me in between and said, No No, Rayn didn't tell me this, when I was returning from the party, Kev called me and told me everything and also that Rayn is sorry for whatever he said. Babe, don't you think you should listen to him once?

Me: Soph, listen to me, It's been a week since we are here and have you ever heard me talking shit to anyone or about anyone? I have been at my best behavior all this while then how could he do that to me? How could he say such stuff?? They called me a slut soph and he smirked when they said that... how cou- and once again tears rolled down my eyes and soph hugged me.

Soph: I get it but you know he is Rayn, he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Have you ever seen him being nice to anyone?, even when we were decorating our room, he was being a pain in ass! The thing is, whatever he did or said was wrong but seriously? you had to keep expectations and that too from him?  He is a jerk bro but when Kev called me and said that Rayn is sorry, I felt that he is apologetic for real, but anyways,,, don't think about him! I made you such delicious food, stop weeping over an asshole and have your food! 

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