Chapter 39: Special day

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5 years later

It's been 5 whole years! 5 years since this crazy journey started. 5 years of friendship, craziness, fights, arguments and love! I entered this college with a baggage of emotions and a best friend and today is the day I am graduating! These 5 years changed me as a person, if 5 years ago someone would have told me that I will make crazy new friends, especially Nicole will be my friend, I will date a guy who I will be head over heels in love with, I would have laughed on their face but now when I look back and recall each and every crazy day spent with these people, in this college, a lot of things come flooding back to my mind and I can't help but smile. Rayn, Kev and Kat graduated last year with other business students and today it's our day! Soph, Nicole, Zack, Louis and I will be graduating today and will become proud doctors in future. 

Dr. Lizu Tate. 

As I was making my way towards the hall where the graduation ceremony was taking place, I was met with Kev and Kat. Soph, Nicole, Zack and Louis soon joined us and we chatted and laughed for a good hour before the head master asked us to take our respective seats as the ceremony was going to start soon. Parents started arriving and just as I saw my dad coming my way, I smiled from ear to ear as I waved towards him. These past years have definitely made things better between us and I have finally forgiven my mom and we all have moved on from that. Sometimes it's better to forgive and forget than hold grudges.

Dad came my way while smiling widely and hugged me tightly. 

Dad: My little girl is graduating today. She will become a doctor. He said with watery eyes as he kissed my forehead.

Me: Doctor just like my dad.

He smiled whole heartily and then asked about Rayn

Dad: Where is your man. Can't spot him

I smiled sadly at him and replied, Dad, he couldn't make it. He was in California for some important meeting and he was going to return today morning but his flight is getting delayed again and again and now there is no chance he can make it in time.

Dad: He was more excited than you were for this day

Me: I know dad but those stupid flights!!

Dad chuckled and then patted my cheek. Don't worry Lizi, I know he will make it.

I smiled and then asked him to take a seat. He went ahead and congratulated Soph and other friends of mine and then sat on his seat. 

Soon we all settled on our seats and head master started with the ceremony. I was so happy and anxious at the same time. These years have been a roller coaster ride and I will cherish them forever, I made new friends, I got a boy who loves me madly and I got my father back in my life. I was so happy that everything was good now and I was just few minutes away from my dream of becoming a doctor to get fulfilled but the only thing which bothered me was that after this, we all will have our separate lives, we all will get busy and won't be there to sit on each other's head 24/7 and annoy each other to death. I was anxious about leaving these people, they are as much my family as dad is. I smiled sadly as a tear fell from my eye and just then head master called my name. I got up and all my friends hugged me and cheered for me. I made my way to the stage to receive my certificate of graduation. Everything felt surreal but the only person missing was my boy. 

I shook hands with the head master and everyone cheered, I turned to face the camera and smiled brightly when I saw my friends grinning from ear to ear, cheering and hooting for me. Then I shifted my gaze to my father who had happy tears in his eyes and I could see how proud he was and that made my heart swell from happiness. Just as I was going to turn my head to the head master again, something or rather say someone caught my eye. I snapped my eyes towards my father and saw Rayn standing just behind him. He was looking at me and smiling, I shook my head as I couldn't believe my view. I closed my eyes and opened them again and he was still there. Just as I realized that this was for real, he made it on time, a huge smile crept up my lips and he nodded towards me while saying I am proud of you. I smiled and a happy tear fell from my eye. He then actioned I heart you from his hands and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. 

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