Chapter 32: 48 hours

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I am gonna stay with you in your good and bad times forever because you are my forever<3

Lizu's POV

Something was definitely wrong, just as I told him about the tattoo, his face flushed with horror. He panicked and suddenly hugged me. I could sense that something was wrong but I did not bother him by throwing questions at him. He stood there looking pale and was brought out of thoughts when the bell rang, he checked his wrist watch and hurriedly held my hand and started running towards the front door. I quietly followed him as I knew he had a reason behind everything he was doing. Just as we were near the front door, Rayn halted back in his steps and changed his direction and started running towards the janitor's closet.

 Just as we were about to step in, a loud noise echoed in the hall as the grip on my hand loosened. I stared at him as he slowly slid down then and there as blood rushed out of his body. I stood there stunned at the event which took place just seconds ago and no words came out of my mouth. Just as his hand completely got separated from mine and he slid down on the floor with a loud bang, I came back to my senses. 

I screamed Rayn! at the top of my lungs and sat next to him while taking his head and putting it on my lap and slowly rubbing his hand. I cried and pleaded him to keep his eyes open while I called for the ambulance. Rayn please, please, pl-ease keep your eyes open. Nothing is going to happen to you!!!! NOTHING! I tried to tell him but more than him I tried to console myself. Everyone gathered around us as I kept on pleading him to keep his eyes open between my sobs. 

Please Rayn, please. Just talk to me, say anything or simply just keep staring at me, but just don't close your eyes.... please baby. I said while trying to control my tears. I was so lost in my tears and his wound that I did not notice that someone was calling out for me. That person shook me and then I turned back to look at Soph.

Me: Soph look what happened. Look! How can it happen? Soph! Do something. Call the ambulance. How can they take so long??? Do- som-e-th-ing s-oph. 

She hugged me from behind and patted my head while I cried in her arms. 

Soph: It's gonna be okay! He is gonna be okay. Both of us know that nothing will happen to him! Stay strong. The ambulance is on it's way, it will come soon. 

Me: He need to be okay! For me! Rayn, please keep your eyes open... Rayn! please!!!!

Just then there was a loud sound of siren and soon 2 men came with a stretcher. 

Man1: Miss, please get aside, we need to take him. Soph pulled me up so that they could put Rayn on the stretcher

Me: Careful!!! 

Man 2: Yes miss, please calm down

Just as they took Rayn from my lap and from my arms, I saw my hands. they were red, red from the blood which flushed out from Rayn's body! He was shot! Someone shot him! Why!? Why will someone do that to him!! A lot of questions clouded my mind as I sat there completely numb still unable to sink in the event. I was brought back to earth as I heard them slide Rayn's stretcher in the ambulance. I got up and ran towards them

Me: I will go with him!

Man 1: sorry miss, we cannot allow anyone with the patient. It's a critical case

Me: I don't care! I want to go with him! He needs me! I need him! Please, please understand, please let me in.

They signed and motioned me in. I quickly headed in and sat next to Rayn while holding his hand in mine.

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