Chapter 37: I am sorry Lizu

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Lizu's Pov

I made my way down to the dining room and saw Rayn and dad chatting and laughing. I mean I am happy that they are getting along but why is my dad behaving so sweetly?? I just feel weird. I went in and sat next to Rayn and then the helper lady put our plates in front of us. Just as we started eating, my dad tried to initiate a conversation. 

Dad: So Lizi, how is college?

Me: Good. I felt weird when he called me by that name.

Dad: When are your exams starting? 

Me: 2 weeks later

Dad: Great, you remember how you used to run around wearing my white doctor's coat and wanted your name on it and when I told you that you need to earn it, you were so determined to become a dr. and get your own white coat. You always wanted to be like me, he said while chuckling.

Me: Well, then I saw the real you. I said in the most polite tone

Rayn kept a hand on my thigh and when I turned to look at him, he gave me 'at least try to be nice' look. I nodded 

Me: So dad, how are you doing?

Dad looked surprise when I asked about his well being but responded almost immediately. 

Dad: I am good, work is good, I just feel a little alone here. Give me a monthly visit at least Lizi, your old man is growing older with each passing day. 

Me: I came here for something dad, there are somethings which are puzzling me and you are the only one who can give me the missing pieces of that puzzle and help me complete it. 

My dad looked at me for a few seconds trying to find something on my face and then he nodded.

Dad: Okay Lizi, let's talk after we finish eating, okay?

I nodded and then the whole eating time passed with small random conversations. 

After washing our dishes, we went and sat on couch, no one uttering a single word, air filled awkward silence.  Rayn broke the silence and said

Rayn: Liz, I will be in your room, you guys talk. 

Me: No, just stay!

Rayn: Liz, you need to discuss something personal and I think it should be discussed only in the presence of the two of you. If you need me, I will be in you room

And with that,  he got up and made his way out of the dinning hall. Very good! Now it's just me and my over sweet dad.

I sat there awkwardly when dad spoke

Dad: Tell me Lizi, what is bothering you?

I tried to find words to explain but I shuttered. a lot.

Me: Dad... It-s why- I mean- what- no, how-

Dad: Lizi. Calm down and tell me, I am here to listen

Me: Firstly, please stop calling me that! Why are you behaving as if we are very close? Dad, the bond between us died long time back, you were never there for me, I considered you my idol but while growing up, all you did was to make my mother cry! So just stop acting like you are the best dad in this world. I yelled

Dad: Lizi- Lizu, I was never the best dad, I admit it but I always wanted to make amends, I always wanted us to have that bond but due to some reasons, I spent time in fighting with your mother, the time which I should have spent with you, I wasted that time on fights but that does not mean I don't care for you, I do and I always did.

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