mates and new school

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Bella pov

I get up in the morning and doing my daily routine dress up in black skinny jeans, red corset top and leather jacket

Yeh, I m like my brothers I love my leather jacket

Charlie has left and gone to the station

He is the chief of police

I eat my breakfast and sit in my camaro and make my way to the school

The school is small and a group of buildings

The parking lot is full of students

They all stare at me as I get down from my car

The smell of their blood hits me like a ton of bricks and I feel my eyes turning dark

I immediately close My eyes and when I open them they are back to their normal bright green

Guys look at me with lust and girls in envy

I just roll my eyes and grabbing my schedule head to the first class

Jasper pov

My name is jasper Whitlock and I have been a vampire for 145 years

No I don't have fangs or burn in the sun

We sparkle in the sun and hunt on animals

I live with my family of 6

Our coven leader Carlisle and esme, and my siblings Emmett, Edward, Rosalie and Alice

I attend forks high school with my siblings to blend with the humans

Today there was a new girl starting UN the school

Alice couldn't read her future which was odd and put us on guard

As we waited in the parking lot of the school, girls ogled at me and Edward since we were single and guys at Alice

Just then a camaro pulled into the lot and a slender beauty stepped out

The lust level if guys increased tenfold and envy from girls

The new girl was exceptionally beautiful

Her black hair reached her waist in perfect curls, she wore skinny jeans, top and leather jacket

Her boots gave off a bad girl vibe

Alice was curious as were the rest of us

I tried felling her emotions and was suddenly hit by a dose of blood lust

I was shocked

Why was a human feeling blood lust??

Edward was also shocked reading my mind

We looked at each other and nodded

We had to get to know her

What was she??

The first half of the day passed in a blur

As lunch came, we rushed to the cafeteria in hopes of catching her

Just as she was about to move into the cafeteria, we grabbed her and dragged her to the janitors closet

What we didn't expect was to find ourselves face against the wall and our arms pinned behind our backs

"well, if it isn't some cold ones huh"

Bella pov

I was shocked to find cold ones here

And two of them tried to grab me

"we just want to talk"

One said and his velvet voice sent shivers down her spine

I  released them but as soon as they turned I was staring at the most handsome guys on earth

One was a blond god who had scars on his body showing that he had been involved in the southern wars of cold ones and the other was a Greek Adonis with bronze hair

They were the most handsome  men I had ever seen except fir two others

So I knew exactly why I was thinking this

Apparently they did too cause we said at the same time

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now