doppleganger and sibling reunion

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Jasper pov

We entered the house to find a human girl sitting on the couch

Seeing her Bella cocked her head to the side and stared at her

Bella pov

Sitting on the couch was an exact replica of Katherine

Edward pov

Looking at the human girl Bella cocked her head to the side and stared at her

"interesting" she said

"u r wrong.. She is not Katherine"

"I know.. So it is true.. There is a new doppleganger"

"how do u know? "

"I hear things"

"what is a doppleganger??" Carlisle asked

"its a human twin of a vampire like thus girl here is of Katherine the bitch"

"this girl is Elena" Steffen said taking Elena's hand and smiling at her

Bella frowned and said, "that won't end well"


"Isabella Salvatore, pleasure" Bella smirked at the girl

Before Elena could reply some one from behind us said,

"look what the cat dragged in?"

Bella pov

We turned at the familiar voice

Damon hadn't changed a bit

He still was the exact same cocky brother of mine while Steffen was the serious one

I was a mix of both

I looked at Damon frowning," if I knew u were here I wouldn't have come"

Jasper pov

We turned to come face to face with a smirking black haired guy in his early twenties

Bella frowned and said," " if I knew u were here I wouldn't have come"

Sending a pointed look to Steffen who avoided her gaze..

" u could always leave"

"u could always stop breathing"

We were shocked at the bitterness between them but Steffen was unaffected

"u still angry over what happened in New York"

"how about I kill one of your friends and then we see how long u stay angry"

"oh come on it was 20years ago get over it " Damon said with a smirk

"don't think I don't know about lexi"

That wiped the smirk off his face and he turned sober

"u heard about that""yes u killed he because u were too lazy to cover your tracks"

Stefen stepped in and told Bella to calm down

"I guess some intros are in queue isa"

Stefen said

"these r the Cullens Carlisle, esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and my mates Edward and jasper"

Damon and Stefen looked at her in disbelief

"two mates??"

"actually four the other two from our kind but I left them due to things they did"

They stared at her and then looked at us

"hurt her and we kill you" they said in unison

Damon looked more serious than Stefen

We nodded

"so your overprotectiveness aside, why was I needed??" Bella said raising an eyebrow at her brothers

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now