curse and originals

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Jasper pov

"what do u know about the sun and the moon curse??" Steffen asked Bella

" it's a curse that does not allow the vampires to walk in the sun and the werewolves to shift only on full moon" she replied

" do u know how to break it?"

"I know the basics but u wouldn't  want to break it as it involves killing the doppleganger else u want to kill your girlfriend whatever floats your boat"

"trust me that's the last thing we want but others may not share our views"

Bella smirked," so u r afraid some one may try to kill her but u needn't cause it requires the moonstone which has not been seen in centuries"

"that's the problem it's in mystic falls and in the hands of some one else"



At that name Bella stiffened and her expression turned vary,.

"please please say u don't mean the original vampire Elijah"

"u know him??" Stefen asked

Bella ignored him and said," if Elijah is here that means Klaus will soon follow"

I felt a wave of nostalgia from her but it was immediately cut off

What was that about??

Bella pov

"Klaus he is the other original right??" Elena spoke

"ya rose called Elijah Klaus's foot soldier"

"well that's not true"

Ten pairs of eyes turned towards me

"the originals aren't a random group of vampires, they r a family"

"a family??"

"ya the first family of vampires, they weren't changed, they were created.. Elijah is Klaus's elder brother"

"then y did rose basically call Elijah an Easter bunny compared to Klaus... "

"I would hardly compare Elijah to an Easter bunny but the Klaus is more powerful, vindictive and ruthless"

"u sound like u know him" Edward mused

"long time ago"

"u knew Klaus?? " Damon asked me incredulously

"I said a long time ago " i snapped

Edward pov

" Bella will u help us save Elena"

"u want to go up against the originals..r u crazy.. If they want the girl dead she is dead Stefen u will be killed too going up against Klaus is something u don't want to do"

"we have to save her"

"God I can't believe this , fine I will help but if my mates or the Cullens r harmed in any way, I will back out,"

They nodded

"great where r the rooms?"

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