sacrifice and funeral

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Jasper pov

We entered the sacrificial area just as Klaus kills the werewolf

"thank god, I really hated her" Bella  commented

Klaus turned to us surprised, "Isabella what r u doing here?"

"came to negotiate with u, leave jenna, I will change someone right now if u want" we were shocked at the lack of emotion in her voice at changing someone else but knew that she wouldn't do it if there was any other way

"looks like your brother had the same thing in mind" Klaus comments
What? We think before turning to the direction where Klaus is looking. Stefan appears and says, "I make u a deal, myself in place of Jenna"

"are u crazy Stef no absolutely not" bells shrieks grabbing his arm.

"that's interesting" Klaus comments

Bella turns towards him and grabs his collar causing all of us to gasp and look at her worried, "if u even think of harming him, I will ensure that your life is a living hell" Klaus smirks and grabs her by the waist. We stiffen and growl. He turns to us and says amused," chill after all I m her mate too " causing Stefan and Elena to gasp and look at Bella in disbelief. Bella struggles against him but I can see that she is trying to not melt in his embrace. She finally kicks him and gets off him. He looks at her amused and then goes behind Stefan and snaps his neck. "I can't accept his offer. I need him for something else" he moves towards Jenna but Bella stops him, "Klaus don't do this " Klaus looks at her and says, "sorry love no can do"

He speeds over to Jenna and stakes her. Elena gasps but Bella just stares. I know she is saddened by Jenna's death but doesn't react.

Klaus turns to Elena and says,"your turn"

Elena walks up to the altar with her head held high and just scoffs at Klaus when he thanks her for being cooperative. Klaus shrugs and kills her. The curse is broken.

Klaus screams as the sound of bones cracking is heard. He is transforming. I feel his pain and it is unbearable. I feel pain coming from somewhere else and turn to see Bella in pain. At first I m confused but then realise that Klaus is her mate so she feels his pain too. I try sending her calm and she sends me her gratitude.

Suddenly Bonnie appears on the scene looking scary as she chants in Latin weakening Klaus more with her spell. Before Klaus's witch tries anything, Bella goes and kills her. Elijah appears before Klaus. "Elijah brother" Klaus says shocked.

"in the name of our family and... "

"I didn't bury them at the sea, they are safe. Help me and I will take u to them" Klaus screams causing Elijah to stop midway. "do it and I will take down both of u " Bonnie threatens

"it will kill u " Elijah says

"i dont care " she replies

Elijah and Klaus  look at Bella and she just smiles shaking her head. Elijah hesitates but in an instant grabs Klaus and disappears. "no" Stefan and Bonnie shout. But as we look to bella she just smiles standing there and says,"always family over... " and shaking her head leaves. We go behind her and I hug her from behind. She relaxes in my arms and I pick her upland carry her home where she goes to sleep.

Damon and Stefan come and sit by her side, "they hurt her again " Damon says and turns to us, "thank u for being there fir her " we smile and nod.

Bella pov

The next day we were attending two funerals. Jenna and johns. I didn't really expect Elijah to kill Klaus. I knew the moment Klaus uttered those words that we were lost. Elijah considered family most important after me that is.

I turned to find jasper and Edward by my side. I smiled at them and then frowned seeing Damon away from everyone.

I walked up to him. "ok what is it? Tell me why you acting wierd"

Damon sighed and pulled his sleeve up to show a nasty mark. He next uttered the words that caused my world to come crashing Down

"Tyler Lockwood bit me"

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