what do he do?

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Bella pov

"what did he do?" Edward asked. I shook my head and turned towards the window. That simple question pulled me back into a flashback that I had kept hidden in my heart.

Me and Klaus were in New York in the 70s. I was with Alex, my gay best friend at the bar. Klaus had been distant lately and we were always fighting.
I shook my head and saying good bye to Alex and headed home.
As u reached the house, I felt something different. Like something was very wrong. I heard some noises from the bedroom and  went to check. The noises were of someone moaning and groaning. I was confused and opened the door to find something that had my world come crashing Down.
There on the bed, our bed, was my mate, my love, Klaus having sex with my other friend and the witch Genevieve. "what the hell is going on here? "  I shouted causing them to jump back in surprise. Klaus's eyes widened in shock as Genevieve had the nerve to smirk at me. I felt my blood boil with hate and anger as I rushed forward and pushed my hand into her chest and grabbed her heart and pulled it out killing her.
"izzy'" Klaus said and I turned to him and slapped him across the face. "how dare u? U r supposed to be in love with me. My mate. How could u do that to me?  U cheating asshole. Everyone is right. U r a heartless monster. I hate u Klaus I hate u" I said. He was getting angry too "how could I do this to u and what about u?"
"what about me?"
"I slept with her because u cheated on me with that bastard Alex. Genevieve showed me in her memories that she saw u getting all hot and heavy with him behind my back. I would not have minded if it was your other mates but he isn't your mate and  u r mine"
"u r not only an asshole but also an idiot. How could u trust a witches memory and one who is known to be able to show u what she wants u to see. And secondly, jealousy or mistrust is not a reason to cheat on me. I know she did it because she was jealous of me as she wanted u since day one. Alex is my friend. I didn't cheat on u but you did. I hate u Klaus and one more thing I m no longer yours. I m leaving u. "
Klaus's eyes widened and he tried to come towards me but I pushed him away and ran off into the night.
End of flashback

I broke out of the memory as the car door slammed and Stefan joined us.

"had a good meal mate?" Klaus asked standing near the window of the car. "yes Stefan, did u enjoy ripping apart innocent humans ?" I snapped and glared at Klaus. Edward's question had brought back all the angst and anger and betrayal I had felt for him. He looked at me surprised but then realisation dawned on his face and it turned guilty and he looked away before climbing in and driving off.

I could not believe toll today that he had slept with s oksmoke else because he was jealous of Alex and did not trust me. Alex was gay. He had a boyfriend. But Klaus had killed them both in rage when I left him. I had hated him more but also loved him at the same time since then. After all he was my mate.

I knew he was sorry but I could not forgive him that easily. I had stopped believing in love till I met Elijah in the 90s and discovered him to be my second mate. I had given him a hard time because of Klaus but he never gave up. Finally he won my heart.

When I found him kissing that bitch, It was like deja vu all over again. I had to wait 40 years to finally meet my mates who from the moment they saw me loved me and healed me. I smiled and turned to jasper kissing him softly and doing the same with Edward. They smiled at me and said in unison, "we love u"

I smiled and replied,"I love u too"

Klaus's grip visibly tightened on the wheel as he looked at us, me in specific, in the rear view mirror, his eyes betraying his longing. I shook my head and turned away from him and stared out of the window trying to hold back my tears.

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