mystic falls

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Edward pov

Currently we were in a clothes shop while rebekah tried on clothes of this generation. Apparently her 20s clothes would not be suitable for today's Times. Also they had a blood stain on them.

Stefan found that he was mated to rebekah and they rekindled their relationship. Klaus finally agreed and granted Stefan his freedom and they became friends.

Right now they were talking about the 20s while Bella Sat in his lap and continuously swatted Stefan on the head for being a pervert and making inappropriate comments about rebekah changing. Rebekah and Bella were best friends and Bella also said that she would enjoy Rosalie and Alice's company.

After trying on various dresses, rebekah and Bella left us to pay and carry their bags.

Bella pulled Klaus aside and said,"I need to talk to u" he nodded and they left.

Bella pov

I took Klaus to our room and said," ok don't freak out but the doppleganger is Alive e which is causing your hybrids to fail transition. I didn't say anything because my brothers loved her but now Stefan is with bekah and I know for a fact that Alice is Damon's mate. "

He frowned but then sighed and hugged me. "It's fine baby but now let's go to mystic falls and take care of the altercation"

I nodded sighing and melting into his embrace. We went to the others and I told them that I had told Klaus about Elena. Stefan frowned but agreed once he understood why I had done it. I didn't want Elena to come in between my brothers and their mates

We reached mystic falls on the day of the prank night before graduation. Klaus grabbed Elena and led her to the basketball court. She pleaded with Stefan to help her but he paid her no mind and kissed rebekah. All the mystic falls gang was  shocked but I told them that she was his mate. They understood and were happy for him.

Elena whined angrily,"u bitch, I know it's because of u Bella that he is with this girl. U wanted Klaus and u got him. U wanted Elijah and u got him. Why can't I have Stefan and Damon then?" Stefan didn't like the way she spoke to me as the next instant he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the wall. All of us were surprised to see Stefan do that,"enough Elena, u have manipulated us enough. Now one word against my sister, her mates or my mate and u will regret it"

"Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler help" Elena tried choking out but they just shook their heads at her,

"help u again and risk losing someone we love. Bullshit we have had enough Elena. All u think is about yourself. Everytime u r in danger someone else loses their life. So stop making everything about and being a whiny bitch. " Caroline said to which Bonnie nodded. She came and hugged me and said,"u r a better friend than she ever was. " I smiled and introduced her to bekah. They immediately struck a friendship as did Caroline. Elena was shocked. Serves her right.

Edward pov

We were on our way Home. Elena was alive because her blood would be the only way to create hybrids. Damon had been unlike the rest and helped Elena when he came back. He threatened Klaus with the arrival of his father Michael. But Bella forced Klaus to stay and said that they will find a way to fight him. Klaus had agreed and was right now with Tyler who had been changed into a hybrid.

We met up with the family and updated them on the situation. Alice suddenly got up and made a run for it. From jasper's thoughts, her emotions were of rejection, despair, jealousy and anger. Bella sighed and followed her. We followed them at a distance. We found Alice dry sobbing in Bella 's arms. We hated seeing our energizing bunny or pixie like sister like this so torn. Bella was also angry and sad as she tried calming her down. Emmett, esme and Carlisle were angry to see their daughter and sister hurt. I approached Bella and asked her, "why is she crying? What's wrong?"  she sighed and said, "Damon is her mate and he is too into Elena to acknowledge the connection. It pains her to see him like that. " we were shocked and Emmett went to leave to beat Damon to a pulp when Bella stopped him," no that won't help. We have to make him realise what Alice is to him. Which means we have to give him a taste of his own medicine. He will understand only one language now. Alice u need to look beautiful for your date. "

Alice frowned and said,"date?"

"yes date, operation Damon jealousy begins"

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