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Jasper pov

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My mate was mates with Klaus and she was helping in the plan to kill him.

I looked at her in shock Edward, Damon and alaric mirroring my expression as she and Klaus had a stare down with each other. Finally Klaus sighed, "izzy"

"don't u dare call me that Klaus"

"so it's Klaus now huh"

"yes it is u don't deserve that I call u nik" Bella snarled at him. "u r not.."

Bella cut him off harshly,"let's not discuss anything okay. I m happy with my three mates. I don't need anyone else" but anyone could detect the longing in her voice. She missed and loved him inspite of what he had done.

Klaus 's face hardened and he smirked, "oh so u have forgiven my dear brother but not me"

"what he did was nothing compared to u took me forty years to forgive him, u can easily count the time it will take with u. So let's not go there and focus on the present, what do u want?"

"I have come to warn your brother against doing something to spoil my sacrifice"

" u made your point we r terrified " Bella said sarcastically. Klaus stepped forward to Bella, who had admist the conversation stepped in front of us, till he was merely an inch away from her and said," u should be love u should be. Try anything and see what happens"

He stepped back and give Bella a onceover left

Bella glared at him and collapsed on the chair. Damon turned to her incredulously,"Klaus is your mate and u mention this now?"

Bella sighed and said," he used to be my mate not anymore. Trust me more than u I have reasons to kill him or at least want him dead. "

Damon looked at her for a while and hugged her,"what did he do sis?"

"no comments Damon. I rather not talk about it PLS "

Damon sighed n nodded.

"so what do we do?  If we try anything, he will kill u Damon? " Alaric asked

"did u really think we would not try anything? " Bella asked him.  alaric smiled and shook his head

Bella pov

I m now going talk to Klaus, rather bargain with him. Let me take u back a bit onto how I found myself in this position. Well, me and Damon rescued Caroline and Tyler from being used for the sacrifice and as a punishment for meddling, Klaus changed Elena's aunt Jenna and has back up for a werewolf so in order to avoid Jenna from dying Damon went to negotiate with Klaus which I don't think he will be able to do. Since I m the only one Klaus won't hurt (physically), I  decided to go and talk.

I enter the sacrificial area just as Klaus kills Jules, the werewolf who attacked me and Damon. "thank god, I really hated her" I commented

Klaus turned to me surprised, "Isabella what r u doing here?"

"came to negotiate with u, leave jenna, I will change someone right now if u want"

"looks like your brother had the same thing in mind" Klaus comments
What? I think before

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now