intimacy and other mates

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Jasper pov

Emmett grabbed Rosalie and they started dancing

Some guy asked Alice and she agreed to dance

Carlisle and esme were sitting at the bar talking to betty

Bella grabbed our hands and dragged us to the dance floor

She started to sway her hips to the beat

I had to say she was an amazing dancer

Edward nodded and put his hands on her hips slowly dancing with her

I went up behind her and put my arms around her

She looked up and smiled before kissing Edward passionately while I kissed her neck

By the time we pulled away., our eyes had gone black with lust

She didn't wait fir anybody as she dragged us along by our shirts and exiting the club went to the car

She told Edward to drive to the house and sat with me in the backseat kissing occasionally

Edward was getting frustrated at being ignored which she may have sensed cause she kissed his neck at whispered sweet nothings in his ear

As soon as we reached home, I took Bella in my arms and ran to my room with Edward hot on our tail

I pinned Bella to the wall and immediately took possession of her mouth

I plunged my tongue into her mouth and fought for dominance

She finally lost and I tasted every corner of her mouth

Edward was kissing her on the neck

She shrugged out of the jacket and grabbed Edward's face crashing her lips to his

EEdward pov

She shrugged out of the jacket and grabbed my face crashing her lips to mine

Jasper kissed the other side of her neck before moving to her throat and the valley of her breasts

"u mind, darlin'"

Bella quirked an eyebrow at him

He just smirked and ripped her top in two leaving her bare with just a black bra and jeans

She smirked right back and said, "let me return the favour.."

Before we could understand whatever meant she grabbed our shirts and ripped them apart

I smirked and grabbed her face kissing her before making my way to her left nipple and taking it in my mouth

Jasper took her right and we sucked it through the material of her bra

Bella moaned and arched her back allowing us to reach behind and unclasp the offensive material

We stared at her beauty before going back to the sucking

We heard the pop of the button and looked down to find Bella undoing our jeans

Her hands reached inside about jeans and boxers and she took our hard ons in her hands

We growled and sucking intensely

We unclasped her jeans and she helped us to remove it

Jasper got to his knees as he fingered her and continued working on her breasts

He tore her panties into two causing her to gasp and licked her causing her to buck her hips

No one pov

Bella groaned. It had been a while since someone made her feel like that

She tugged at Edwards hair and kissed him

At that moment jasper gave her clit a strong lick causing her to release in his mouth

He swallowed all the juices and kissed his way up

Bella kissed him softly and smirking pushed them back on the bed

She got to her knees and took Edward junior in her mouth

She licked sucked and kissed

Just as he was close she pulled out and repeated the process with jasper

She took Edward in her mouth again causing him to grown out his release and swallowed jasper's juices as well

She climbed on top of edward as jasper lined his cock at her ass

They both entered her at the same time causing her to gasp and moan

They started moving at a speed impossible for humans

Bella was the first to release which triggered their releases

They went at it again for the next three hours before laying on the bed sated with Bella in between and the boys on either side

"u weren't a virgin baby??" Edward asked

Bella shrugged, " I have been around for 160 years Edward u don't expect me to celibate do u??"

"and anyways.. "she hesitated

"anyways what love??"

"u r not my only mates"

Edward and jasper said simultaneously

"ya I know it's a shock but I have two more mates from my kind.. I have met them but they both did some things causing me to leave them and I don't plan on meeting them again anytime soon.."

The boys nodded as Bella drifted off

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now