two kinds of vamps??

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Bella pov

The next thing I know is that I m pressed against the wall with jasper kissing me on the lips and Edward kissing my neck

My lust spiked and I kissed jasper with savage intensity

I pulled away after a intense make out with jasper and crashed my lips to Edward while jasper kissed my neck

We pulled away and I leaned against the wall

"u r beautiful, love" Edward said and I smiled

"thanks handsome "

"how do u know what we r love and why were u feeling blood lust in the morning ??"

"how do u know that??"

"I can feel emotions, love"

"oh...get your family and lets go over to your place so that I can tell you about myself and we get to know each other at one time"

"good idea"

Edward called Alice and she said that they would be waiting For us in the lot

We made our way there with me in the middle and Edwards arm around my shoulder and jaspers around my waist

Their siblings eyes widened and Rosalie and Alice squealed and hugged me

I shrugged hugging them back

They were my mates family and that made them my family

Emmett went to hug me but at the combined growls of my mates he held up his hands in surrender

I followed them to their house in the middle of the forest and was beautiful

I met Carlisle and esme who greeted me warmly

We settled down inside and I propped myself between my mates

"so... I m q vampire" I said but wad cut off by Emmett

"what u a vampire,  ya right"

I simply materialised in front of him and gave him a slight push causing him to fly behind and crash into the wall

The rest of them looked at me in shock

I shrugged and continued,

"I m a traditional vampire, u know the one from the myths fangs and burning in Sun though I don't cause I have a daylight ring and there is a herb called vervain which burns US when touched or consumed but I have built a tolerance to thats about it.. What about u??"

They explained their kind to me and we discussed the differences for the rest of the time till I yawned

"u can sleep??"

"yes sleep eat n all the stuff that humans do" I said with a yawn and laid my head on jasper's shoulder n drifted ;off to sleep

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now