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Bella pov

I got up on Sunday and went through my daily routine and dressed in a yellow sundress, knee high boots and jacket

After reading books for sometime, I went to the grill. As I entered the grill, I quickly spotted something that made me raise my eyebrows, Damon sat at a table with andy, his human bloodbag, Jenna, Elena's aunt, alaric and who else but Elijah

I made my way to them as Damon saw me,"Bella what r u doing here"

"where is Stefan"

"lakehouse to spend the weekend with Elena"

"shame I wanted lunch"

"I have a great idea let's have a dinner party I'll host" Damon said looking at everyone

They nodded and turned to Elijah

"ill be glad to attend"

"wow then u can tell us something about history u being the historian of the group"

That had me raising an eyebrow at my mate

"I never knew u were a historian" I said smirking

"u know each other" Jenna asked

"yes me and miss Salvatore go way back"

Elijah said looking at no one but me

We were caught up in each other's gaze and didn't snap out of it till someone cleared their throat

I turned to see Damon narrowing his eyes at us

I ignored him and hheaded out scowling as I was suspicious of Damon's intentions

The evening came soon and I found myself dressing up to impress my man

I put on a blue dress that hugged my body like a glove and showed off my curves

It stopped midthigh and I wore simple blue heels and diamond drops. I applied minimal make up

I went down to see everyone had arrived and an unknown face

"who r u " I asked him


"u attacked my brothers not a good way to get on my good side"

"he is not on anybody's good side"

Jenna said

I laughed just as the door bell rang indicating the most awaited guest had arrived

I went to open the door but Damon beat me to it

The sight there had my insides clenching

Elijah stood wearing a classic suit with 2 roses and a bouquet of orchids in his hand

His gaze met mine and a satisfied smile made its way onto my face as I saw his eyes darken with lust as it travelled over my body

He returned my smile and came into the house but not before warning Damon to rethink any plan he might have made

Jenna and Andy had joined us by the time Elijah finished his'talk' with Damon

He ssmiled at them formally and handed them each a rose

"what a gentleman u r Elijah" Andy said flirtily wanting me to kill her

Elijah just nodded

Andy smiled only for it to be wiped off as Elijah handed me the bouquet of orchids,"beautiful flowers for the most beautiful girl in this room, no offence to anyone" He smiled

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now