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Bella pov

It was official. Bonnie Bennett was dead. I entered the boarding house with my mates as Elena and my brothers mourned over Bonnie's body. I said,"u should stop I have to take her body and bury it. " "what do u mean bury it?" Elena screamed

" tell her to calm down " I told Stefan

"don't talk about me like I m not here. "

"ok u need to calm down Elena as that's the way we can think of a way to defeat Klaus as we don't have Bonnie's help now" Jasper and Edward glanced at each other knowingly.

After some coaxing from my brothers, Elena left the room. Jasper took Bonnie's body and led her away.

After a while we returned to the house to see all people sitting in the living area, Elena got up and screamed "what did u do to her?"

Jasper pov

Elena screamed at Bella and tried to hit her. Bella caught her hand mid air glaring at her and Elena flinched scared. "Elena " Damon and Stefan warned her.

Bella looked at her menacingly, "never try that with me again, get it? " and dropped her hand. She went to the bar and took a scotch for herself and handed another glass to Damon and one to Stefan which they gladly accepted. Bella explained that it was necessary for Bonnie's safety for Klaus to believe that she was dead while in reality she was safe. Elena 's expression turned hopeful and she called Bonnie immediately. Stefan smiled at Bella and hugged her thanking her. "don't thank me with words Stefan. Just make sure your girlfriend doesn't repeat what she did just now or She won't live through t the next time. " Bella said seriously causing everybody to go stiff with fear and her brother to simply smile and nod "good to see your mates have not turned u into a softy " Bella scoffed playfully and smiled back at him

Damon smiled at her which she returned with a smaller version. Damon finally had enough because he pinned her to the wall and asked "what have I done isa,?"

Bella looked at him and said,"I met Katherine a while back and she told me what u did in 1864" Damon paled and stiffened, "u changed me Damon why?" "I changed u as to not leave u behind isa,  I couldn't bear u growing old and dying while we lived on forever. I love u isa. U were more a daughter than a sister to me. I couldn't leave u behind on your own after Stefan killed father" Damon said tears streaming causing Bella to cry as well and she launched herself at him and hugged him tightly which he returned. Stefan not wanting to be left out joined the hug. They hugged for a while after which Bella pulled away and said,"ok I don't know about my brothers but I have a reputation to keep up" causing us to laugh and shake our heads. All was normal again. 

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