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Bella pov

I got up at the ringing of my phone alarm, I looked at Elijah who was sleeping peacefully.  I smiled at the sight and got up trying not to wake him up

As I had shredded his shirt last night I put on another one from his closet and my panties and went to the washroom

I dud my business and went to the Kitchen to cook him some awesome breakfast

I was just finishing the bacon when Elijah wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck,"smells good sweetheart"

I smiled and handed him a plate

After breakfast I ran into the shower

Getting ready in my yesterday's clothes, I cane down to see Elijah dressed in a classic suit as usual

I kissed him goodbye and made my way to the grill. I drank some scotch and headed to the boarding house

I saw Damon and alaric at the bar and made my way to them

"morning gentlemen" I said

"where have u been?" Damon asked me

"somewhere " I said

Damon looked at me suspiciously but before he could say anything alaric let out a gasp and fell to the floor just as Damon was stabbed and so was I

When I regained consciousness, I found myself tied to the chair and Damon was on the ground

I tried untyiing my chain but it hurt like hell I realised groaning that I had not consumed vervain rendering Me vulnerable to it

A werewolf girl appeared and shot me with wooden bullets

She was asking about the moonstone and continued torturing us

"it's not here obviously" I spat at her when she shot me again

Then the most unexpected thing happened,  "looking for this? " a voice too familiar SaI'd

I turned to find Elijah standing in the room

His eyes met mine and hardened

Oops he was pissed, sorry werewolves say your last prayers

He killed them before we could blink

The girl ran off when he was distracted

He pulled the chains of Damon and turned to me

He pulled the chains and cradled me in his arms just as Stefan, Elena and Bonnie entered and alaric returned

They were shocked to find me and Damon like we were and rushed towards us

Stefan and Damon stood and walked towards me but stopped as Elijah glared at them

He moved me to the couch and ripped off my shirt

He began to take the wooden sprinklers from my body and let me tell you it hurt like a bitch

He looked at me in anguish and I smiled at him weakly

My brothers were watching us intently

Finally he finished and bit into his wrist and brought it to my mouth

I drank his blood and my wounds healed immediately

He took my hand and raised me up and gave me his coat. I put it on and hugged him,"u have impeccable timing Elijah"

He nodded and left in an instant with the moonstone

"u seem close " Stefan commented

I nodded and said, " knowing someone for 40 years brings u close to them"

They raised their eyebrows but nodded. Damon gave me a bloodbag and I drank it readily before heading to my room and falling asleep immediately

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now