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Jasper pov

It had been a few weeks since we met Bella

We loved every minute of it

We learnt that she loved being badass and pretended to be uncaring but was a big softy on the inside,  not that she will admit it

She fed from bloodbags and humans which we tried to convince her against but she told us not to

She explained that she didn't kill them but just fed from them, then fed them her blood causing them to heal and erased their memory with compulsion

She said that with her kind if they fed on animal blood, they became weak compared to human drinkers

So we were okay with it as long as she didn't kill anybody

She mostly fed from odbags

Today being Saturday we were just lounging around when Bella's phone rang

Bella pov

we were just lounging around when my phone rang

I looked at the caller id and picked up smirking,

"that's a number I didn't hope to see for a good 30 year's more"

"I know but I need your help its urgent "

"what have u gotten into this time, my dear twin"

"just get to mystic falls pls Isabella"

Stefan hung up ands I frowned
Mystic falls

What the hell was he doing there?

Jasper pov

we were just lounging around when Bella's  phone rang

She looked at the caller id and picked up smirking,

"that's a number I didn't hope to see for a good 30 year's more"

A male voice replied

"I know but I need your help its urgent "

Bella's smirk widened as she asked,

"what have u gotten into this time, my dear twin"


"just get to mystic falls pls Isabella"

Stefan hung up and Bella frowned

She turned to us and said, "looks like you r about to meet my family I mean what left of it nd visit my home town

We nodded and Alice and Rosalie ran to pack everybody's clothes

We said our good byes to Charlie and left in the jeep for mystic falls

It was in Virginia so we were thankful fir the rings as it would be sunny

After four days or so we pulled into the driveway of a Victorian style home,

It was huge and beautiful

Bella got out and motioned us to follow her

Upon knocking the door,  a guy about Bella's age opened it

He had the same eyes as Bella but that was the only similarity

He was muscled and lean and had Edwards hairstyle

He looked at Bella and smiled in relief,

"u came"

"this better be important Stef, I m cutting out my time with my mates for u"

"I wouldn't have called if it wasn't Isabella n I at least deserve a hug after 20 years of no contact" he said with a smile

She shrugged but hugged him tightly,

"I missed u sis"

"ok that fine no sentimental business "

"wait mates??"

"later" Bella said and gestured us to follow

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now