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Bella pov

The Cullens were given rooms while Edward and jasper were coming with me

Jasper pov

" no funny business" Damon said as we were about to go up to Bella's room

"u don't say.. Given your reputation I am shocked... Not fucked the doppleganger yet damon??"

Bella said with a smirk causing Elena to choke on her drink and Damon and Stefan to send her flat looks

"u Dont like her much do u?" Alice asked

"nope the last one destroyed my family I m not allowing history to repeat itself"

We nodded and ked her to the room

Bella pov

My room looked the same with minor differences. We UNpacked and I took my mates for a walk which landed us up in the forest

I smirked and sent jasper a ton dose of lust

They both gasped, Edward having read his mind and I found myself pinned to a tree as they carelessly ripped my clothing

"finally " I moaned as jasper slammed into me full force and Edward kissed my breasts taking one in his mouth

We kept at it for 3 hours and finally made our way home, showered and dressed. They left for  hunting in the woods leaving me to go to mystic grill where they would join me later

I was fine by staying alone with my drink and book and enjoyed my company until someone interrupted my peace

I looked up as the chair opposite mine screeched and was surprised to see the last person I expected

"hello isa "




(I so wanted to end here)



Elijah looked the same if not more handsome, his Brown hair was cut short giving it a windswept look and he had a classic suit on. He sat with such poise that it made me shift my position slightly. He gazed at me tAking me in as I was doing to him. Our eyes met and all the memories I had kept locked resurfaced. How his hands had felt interwined with mine, how his lips felt against mine, how it felt to have him inside me making love to me, how it felt to be in his protective muscular arms and mostly the heartbreak I felt as I saw him kissing that witch bitch Georgia the way he kissed me. That memory snapped me to reality and I glared at him.

He sighed and said

"we need to talk"

"oh really? Cause last I remember I didn't want anything to do with both you or your brother "

"isa pls love.."

"don't Elijah it has taken me 40 years to move on and I have also not done it yet..I don't want to be weak again"

"isa pls listen okay"

He pleaded. I looked at him and nodded almost reluctantly

He got up and took my hand sending tingles down my spine. My arousal peaked and he must have smelt it as his eyes darkened with a hunger I was used to seeing when he was with me

We both had rocked each other's worlds

We were passion together no other way to describe it

He led me to an alley near the grill and pinned me to the wall, " I love u isa, these 40 years have been the worst of my existence and I want u to know that what u saw that day was nothing"

"u kissed her Elijah" I said in a low voice

I hated how weak I sounded

"she came Nd did a spell on me causing me to see her as u and kiss her, I did feel the electric tingles that I felt with u so I pulled back to see her smirking and u running away. I killed her in my rage and tried to stop u but u didn't listen and left.. I'm sorry love.. U know I love u and I know u love me. Pls forgive me"

I had tears running down my cheeks at his confession n I caught his face between my hands and crashed my lips to his. He responded fiercely and immediately thrusting his tongue in my mouth

All the frustration, anger, love,  lust of the last 40 years was pushed Into the kiss leaving us breathless when we pulled apart

He kissed me softly whispering his love for me when we heard two growls behind us, "what the hell is going on here??"

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now