fierce reunion

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Bella pov

I got into my car and dialled a number, "hey love"

Elijah's English accented voice answered

I shivered with desire at his mere voice

"mmmh" I mumbled

"what's the matter isa?"

" can I come over for the night? "


"be there in few"

and I hung up

I called jasper nd Edward and told them about my plan..they were fine with it

It wasn't long before I reached the mikaelson mansion. It was a house befitting the status of the originals and especially Elijah. It was classy and suave. Ancient yet modern in a way.

Elijah stood at the door looking hot and handsome in the suit

He gave me a breathtaking smile which I returned with one of my own

He took my hand and led me inside

The inside was beautiful and well equipped

A large piano stood at the side of the large room

"u still love scotch?" Elijah asked

I nodded absentmindedly

Elijah made the drinks and handed a glass to me before stroking my face. I leant into his touch my eyes watering. God, how I had missed this. He immediately took me in his arms and Laid my head on his chest

He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and crooned softly

I looked up not able to control myself and grabbing at his hair brought his face in for a kiss

He responded immediately as his tongue thrust into my mouth and he kissed me with all he had. My other hand joined my first one and I tugged at his hair causing him to let out a groan and pin me to a nearby wall. He ground his erection to my core causing me to moan loudly in his mouth.

He pulled away and looked at me with lust and love which reflected in my eyes too

Almost like magnets our lips joined together and his hands slid past my waist moving achingly slow over my ass and rested on my thighs. He gave it a squeeze. I jumped and wrapped them around his waist. Instantly he moved in vampire speed and I found myself in his room. I slid down his body slowly and he hissed as rubbed past his erection. He clawed at my top and removed it and threw it across the room, leaving me in my jeans and blue lace bra. His eyes darkened as he drank me in..  I smirked, blue was his favourite colour.. Glad to see that hadn't changed

His hands moved from my shoulders towards my breasts and he gave them a squeeze as I let my head fall back and released a groan. His mouth attacked my neck as he kissed and sucked on the sweet spot causing a continuous stream of moans from me. His hands slid past my breasts as his lips moved further down to the valley of my breasts

He gave both nipples equal attention as he sucked on them like a baby. I arched my chest into his skillful mouth and he unclasped the bra and threw it where my top was. He resumed his ministrations on my skin and went further down kissing my stomach nibbling at a random spot . He was on his knees as he pulled my jeans down along with my thong leaving me naked.  He smelled my arousal and groaned, "God I missed your enticing smell love"

I moaned and tugged at his hair causing him to look up, " I thunk you have a lot of clothing on Mr mikaelson , stand up for me hun"

He stood and I removed his blazer all the while staring into his eyes..  I went next for his tie but instead of removing it I pulled him into a kiss by his tie. He chuckled into the kiss and pulled back

"finish what u started Isabella"

"as u wish mi amore"

I took off his tie and looked at him, "I hope u won't miss this shirt much" I said as I ripped it off him

He groaned and shook his head,"u still like it rough"

I just smirked and pulled his pants down along with his boxers

I licked my lips as I looked at his thick boner. I took it in my mouth licking sucking and nibbling on it causing him to release in my mouth with a groan

I swallowed his essence greedily and moaned, "I have missed this"

He smiled and pulled me for a kiss tasting himself on my tongue

He pushed me on the bed hovering above me and kissed his way down towards ny clit.  He placed a kiss on my core causing me to buck my hips. He restrained them and thrust his finger inside, moving in and out, "so tight baby" he added another finger and other and his tongue.  It was not long before I came screaming his name loudly,  thanking that he lived in a remote area of the town

He lapped at my juices swallowing all that I offered him

He moved upwards and kissed me softly as he entered me.. We both moaned at the feel of him inside me.  He moved out and slammed back in

He kept thrusting in and out of me as I ran my nails through his back sure to leave red marks which would heal soon

"oh fuck Elijah faster pls harder baby"

"oh yes love yes"

"Shit I m going to come"

"ohhh fuck" I groaned as I came triggering his release as his warmth flooded my pussy

He was by no means done as he turned me on my stomach and fucked me from behind

After going at it for hours, we both fell asleep cuddling together.

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