hybrid and full moon

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BElla pov

For the past few months, me jasper and Edward had been travelling with Klaus and my brother Stefan

Currently we were sitting outside a house in Tennessee as my brother feasted on Tue people inside. Ya he was ripper again.

Edward pov

Stefan was a ripper and had left a line of bodies behind him. It disgusted and troubled us but not Bella and Klaus. Though Bella was worried for her brother. They had been through it before. It was not entirely Stefan's fault. He had given his freedom to klaus. I couldn't believe that such a evil creature could be Bella's mate. But she had said that we had not seen her on a bad day.

"I m bored" Bella said snuggling into jasper and stretching her legs on my lap

" u r free to join Stefan, love" klaus said

"ya like I would feed on left overs. No thank u " She replied haughtily. Me and jasper shared a glance. Bella noticed and smiled at us reassuringly. She knew we didn't like slaughtering of humans. But o knew Bella wasn't like the others. She disn't kill just fed.

I smiled at her and leaned in to give her a kiss. I was about to pull away but she grabbed my hair and tugged kissing me harder. I could feel myself getting hard. It had been days since I had made love to her as we were continuously travelling.

Bella pushed me up straddling me all the while without breaking the kiss. She thrust her tongue in my mouth and tasted me as I did to her. She moaned into my mouth as jasper started kissing her neck. She pulled away only to tug at jasper and crash her lips to his. I attacked her neck with kisses, sucking nd nibbling.

We were so lost in the kiss that we all jumped when the car door slammed loudly. We pulled apart to see a fuming Klaus heading inside the house. Bella chuckled. "if I knew riling him was so easy, I would have started months ago" we laughed and shook our heads

"he misses u, u know" jasper said

"i don't care. He shouldn't have messed his last chance at being with me by daggering Elijah again"

Yes, Klaus had daggered Elijah before starting this trip as punishment. But had told Bella that after the trip he would undagger him.

Bella was pissed at him. No doubt

"ya but he wants what we have with u, I feel that longing from him"Jasper said

Bella sighed, "I know and meeting him again, that longing is within me too but he has a lot to make up for, a hell lot more than Elijah "

I couldn't hold myself back anymore and asked,"what did he do Bella?"

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