reunion and foursomes

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Bella pov

I woke in the morning to find myself in the arms of Klaus. I turned to find him looking at me warily. I frowned and asked him,"what's wrong, nik?"

He relaxed and smiled at me," I was worried that u might be angry and surprised with what we did yesterday. I didn't want you to regret it. " I shook my head smiling and kissed him hard, "does it look like I regret it?? " he just pulled my fave towards him again and kissed me. He pinned me to the bed and started kissing my neck. I giggled and moaned. ,"Klaus as much as I would like to continue, rebekah needs us. And we do not have clothes to wear. " he sighed and giving my neck and lips a last kiss, rolled over to the other side. I smiles at him and took my phone from the nightstand and dialled Edward's number,"morning love " I said

"babes where r u? Stefan is worried and rebekah wants to meet u,"

"I know love but I m with Klaus. We had a sort of heart to heart yesterday and I gave him one more chance. One thing ked to another and now we have no clothes to wear. Can u and jasper grab some clothes for us and come to the mating room behind Glorias? "

"of course baby, we will be there and we r happy that u have patched up things with him. We hated seeing u sad "

I smiled and said,"I love u both"

"as we do u "he said and hung up. I smiled at Klaus and he smiled back, "they r nice except that they r bunny killers. " he said making a face. I laughed loudly and shook my head at him.

"I love u nik, I missed u " I said tears forming in my eyes. He smiled sadly and said, "I love u too sweetheart. And life is not worth living without u in it"

He kissed me long and hard. I straddled him and he laughed,"now who is not getting up "

I smiled and said," I changed my mind," before kissing him again. His hands roamed over my body heating the path they took. I ran my nails over his chest and moved to kiss his neck. He got up with me straddling his lap and moaned as I sucked on a sweet spot. Suddenly, I felt two other sets of lips and hands on me causing me to look up. "morning beautiful" Jasper and Edward said. Kissing me. I smiled and kissed them before going back to kissing Klaus. Klaus could not hold it much longer as he thrust his cock in me as Edward took me from behind. I took jasper in my mouth and gave him a blowjob.

I soon reached euphoria triggering their releases. We kept at it for the next three hours. And collapsed on the bed. I silence was broken by the loud ringing of Klaus's phone

He picked up and said,"Stefan"

"guess again brother " a female voice said causing me to sit up and smile wide. A smirk formed on Klaus's face as he said,"rebekah"

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