witch friends and daylight rings

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Jasper pov

Wow I couldn't believe it!!

My mate was a traditional vampire, didn't even think they existed

I looked at her and she turned her attention from the road to look at me

We were going to Seattle for meeting Bella's acquaintance

"how can there be two kinds of vampires??" Carlisle asked Bella from the backseat

We took the jeep so that we all fit

Bella knew where we were going so she drove

She smirked before replying," the first vampires created 2000 years ago we're from my kind

About 1500 years ago a stupid witch wanted to make good vampires so she created another vampire but forgot some key ingredients in the spell which led to your kind... I guess it was some Romanian vampires and aro volturi"

"u know them??"

"long time ago...I m known to be a troublemaker" she smirked and winked at me

I grinned

We just pulled into a bar called bettys when rose asked, "witches exist??"

"well I m existing.. So I guess they do"

We heard and turned to the sound of the voice


"Isabella what brings u to my humble abode after a what..30 years??"

"came into call on one of the many favours I did to u those years ago " Bella smirked

"u salvatores have a tendency of being cocky"

"can't help it rubs in the family...anyways grab me a beer... Go some work for u"

Gesturing to us

"cold ones " betty said boredly

Bella gave her a look which caused her to turn and head inside

We followed Bella into the bar and watched as betty handed Bella a beer and opened one for herself

They clinkd their glasses and Bella took a swig

"the favour I want is... " Bella began

Bella pov

"the favour I want is for u to make me seven lapis luzulis - three in pendents and four ringsand combine it with vervain for protection fRom compulsion" I said gesturing to the Cullens

"but it won't change their appearance just protect them from sunlight and compulsion. "

"I know that betty"

Edward pov

" ok give me some time... The bar is open for you but pls control... Save some for the humans u know.."

Betty smirked

"ah don't worry I m not that bad.. "

"we both know u Salvatores r very bad when it comes to alcohol Bella"

Betty said

Bella just shrugged and downed her beer in one gulp

We were shocked

Bella smiled and told us to get used to it

After an hour and three bottles of beer for Bella, betty came back with a tray

It contained three pendents and four rings

We took one the guys rings and girls pendents

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now