in the flesh

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Bella pov

I woke up the next morning in the arms of my mates. I smiled happily and snuggled into Edward while interlacing my fingers with Jasper. They grinned and nuzzled either side of my neck before kissing it. Jasper started alternating between sucking, kissing and nibbling on my neck as Edward crashed his lips to mine. I moaned as jasper sucked on a sweet spot. I pushed Edward and straddled him and started kissing his neck.

Edward moaned and ground himself against me causing me to groan. I pulled off my t-shirt and bent down to kiss him.

Jasper tugged at my hair and I looked up only for his lips to be crashed on mine. He kissed me savagely. They both were shirtless making me want to lick their delicious bodies. Jasper pinned me to the bed and ripped off my shorts as I took down his pyjamas with one hand and Edward's with the other.

Jasper flipped position so I was on the top and I slowly eased myself on him. We both groaned as he filled me. Edward lined himself at my ass and thrust inside causing me to gasp in pleasure. They started to slam into me repeatedly, "uh oh baby faster sweethearts faster pls" I groaned and all I could think was the two hot males buried inside me. It was not long before I reached euphoria and I came screaming their names. They also released in me but stayed inside me with me hugging jasper and Edward kissing my back.

"rise and shine sleepy head" Damon called from outside "I would come in but I don't want to see my sister at it"

"yeh me too" Stefan shouted

"thats it I m officially KILLING MY BROTHERS" I shouted out the last part

I heard their laughter ringing through the house and git up in a huff causing Edward and jasper to chuckle and me to pout

Jasper kissed my bottom lip softly and carried me to the shower. We had a shower together with any sexual innuendos just sweet kisses and caresses. I dried up in vampire speed and got ready in a red top, black jeans and my leather jacket along with my black boots. I pulled my hair into a side braid and applied minimal make up.

"so what's the plan for saving Elena "

Stefan asked me when I came down.

"Elijah has come up with a plan to save both Bonnie and Elena. After the sacrifice is done, Klaus will be vulnerable during his change and Bonnie will just weaken him more. Elijah will come forward and together me and Elijah will finish him off"

"Yeh right as if he would kill his own brother? " Elena scoffed

God she was getting on my nerves. In less than a minute I had her pinned to the wall "if he has told me he will, he will, I trust him and so better watch what u speak" Elena nodded fearfully and I released her

"but u said the sacrifice has to be over but that means Elena would be killed " Damon said

I pulled out the elixir and hAnded it to Elena. I explained that it would bring her back to life if consumed before dying. Damon looked at me skeptically and before anyone could do anything had his wrist bitten and thrust his blood down Elena's throat. Everyone shouted at him while I groaned, "great two doppleganger vampires"

Damon stalked off and I followed him with Edward and Jasper.

We found him at the grill,

I walked towards him and patted his back while alaric appeared at his other side,"I messed up didn't i?" he said to which alaric nodded

Then we heard a sound that I had not heard in 60 years and caused me to groan in annoyance but shiver all the same

"gentlemen why so glum?"

We turned to cone face to face with Klaus in his true form

I slowly took him in, his blond hair, his blue eyes, his leather jacket and tshirt and jeans and dimpled smirk.

"Klaus I presume " Damon said distastefully

"in the flesh" Klaus replied cockily

"thanks for the loan mate " he told alaric patting him on the back before turning to me

"Isabella it's been long" he said smirking though I detected some sadness behind it

"not long enough " I snarled remembering the reason why I had left

He sighed and reached towards me causing Edward and jasper to immediately pull me back and stand in front of me

Klaus looked at them in distaste and said "cold ones"

I nodded and said, "my mates" causing his hair to snap towards me furiously


"I have four mates Klaus remember one of whom is your brother and they are two others "

Klaus smirked and said, why don't u tell us who is the fourth?"

"I rather gauge my eyes out" I said smiling pleasantly

"who is it isa?" Damon asked cautiously

I scowled at Klaus and said sighing " Klaus is my fourth mate"

What??  my brother and mates shouted

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now