school and klaus

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Bella pov

It's been two days since we started school. Elijah had to go out of town for a day or so but I missed him a lot. The people were shocked at me being with two guys (they didn't know of Elijah) but knew better than to comment

I made my way through the corridors with Jasper and Edward and the others and saw Caroline putting up the prom posters

Jasper pov

"ugh the 60s  seriously" Bella asked wrinkling her nose

"why what's wrong with the 60s" Caroline asked

"its not my preferred era for prom, it was boring and dull" Bella said yawning dramatically

"the beetles made it bearable" Stefan said but added as he saw certain humans looking at him suspiciously, "or so I have heard "

Bella nodded in agreement and then Stefan went to the sports practice and we went to the cafeteria,

"I swear if anyone gets more sparkle on me I''ll... " Bella growled causing Emmett to laugh out loud and ruffle her hair

"oh come on Bella show some enthusiasm.. This is fun" Caroline said

"u know what else is fun.. Eating and sleeping and being with my mates" she said sending me a dose of lust

I smirked and kissed her neck pulling her into my lap as Edward kissed the other side. "guys please keep it pg-13" Bonnie whined causing Bella to roll her eyes but stay on my lap the same

A girl from our history class came up to Elena and said,"there is a really cute guy asking for you to dance with him at the prom"

"tell him  she has a boyfriend " Bonnie said

"the guy is really cute.. He asked u to save him a dance.. Said his name was Klaus"

We all stiffened while Bella simply groaned,"God couldn't he have given me a few days of relaxation"



We were all in the boarding house with Stefan and Damon and Bella seemed to be the only one not stressing

"ok so we find him before he finds her" Damon said

"and what if he finds her before us.. We don't even know what he looks like"

Stefan countered

"about 6feet tall, blond hair blue eyes dimples English accent and tends to call people love a lot"

Bella stated boredly causing us to look at her shocked

"well that helps" Alice said

"but what if he grabs her without us knowing" Stefan said just as alaric entered we filled him in

There was something different about him but I could not place my finger on it

Like he looked pissed at the way Bella was sprawled over my lap and her head on Edwards shoulder

Bella broke me out of my thoughts by saying,"no he won't be that subtle.. He is the biggest drama queen ever.. He loves to make an entrance and would find the most unpredictable way to do it" this caused a groan to go through the crowd

Alaric smirked and asked Bella that it was uncAnny to call the baddest biggest original a drama queen to which she shrugged and said that it was what it was

"don't sweat yourself ..he just wants to scare us.. He won't take her today as he has her where he wants her"

Bella said confidently

"how do u know all of this?"

Rosalie asked and Bella said that she knew how he worked

"and how well do u know him" Damon asked her

"enough to predict some of his moves " Bella snapped and told us to relax and attend prom and let Klaus come to us

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