my mates are back

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Damon pov

Though I was not that happy that my sister had three mates wait she said four ya four mates,  I was glad she found true love

I was happy that she was happy but also angry with Elena, how could she be so selfish to think that we would let our sister's mate in that state like that - half dead

I watched as Elijah cradled my sister's face in a way as if she was the most precious thing in the world

I remembered their interactions and how he had killed the werewolves in rage after seeing Bella's condition and how he had taken care of her

Not to mention that even after me and Stefan hurt him, he didn't retaliate. Now we know why

We looked at Elena who was sulking in the corner

I knew she isn't my mate but I loved her. However irritating she was, I couldn't let her die

Bella pov

After the lakehouse drama, I made sure Elijah was okay and kissed him goodnight before leaving and telling him that I will be over at his place later

He nodded bit as I turned pulled me back for a mind blowing kiss that had my toes curling and body erupting in fire of desire

He smirked and I rolled my eyes before smiling and turning towards the boarding house

As soon as we reached the boarding house,  I knew something was different. That's when I noticed the jeep and squealed rushing inside, followed by confused looking Damon and Stefan and Elena

I practically threw myself at jasper as he was the closest who caught me laughingly,"I missed u too, darlin'"

I giggled and brought him in for a quick kiss and pulled away causing him to frown. I mouthed later gesturing to the others

He sighed and nodded

I turned to Edward and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly

He returned the hug and brought me in for a soft kiss

I smiled at them before hugging the remaining Cullens

They congratulated me on reviving my relationship with Elijah to which I blushed

Jasper pov

It felt so good to have my mate with me , this week had been difficult away from her but Alice told us that Bella needed alone time with Elijah causing us to go to forks

I snapped out of my memory lane to be dragged out of the house by bella along with Edward who shot me a confused look

Bella seeing our expressions explained that she wanted to be with all her mates so we were going to Elijah's place

She filled us on the progress in the events

We were shocked at what happened at the dinner but nodded anyway

We reached a beautiful mansion and saw Elijah waiting dressed in pants and shirt

Bella pov

I hugged Elijah who spinned me around chucking

He turned to jasper and Edward and surprisingly for all did that man hug thing with them

I felt warm inside to see them getting along

Only if the fourth mate was.. I stopped myself right there before I ruined my mood

We entered the house and I was scooped up in Elijah's arms and instantly found myself in the same room as yesterday

I was pinned to the wall by jasper who kissed me thrusting his tongue in my mouth tasting it as I tasted his

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands tugged in his hair causing him to groan

I gasped and moaned as Edward and Elijah attacked my neck they ripped my dress in two

I pouted, "hey I liked that one"

"we will buy u another" my mates smirked

"then buy yourself shirts as well " I said as I ripped their shirts off drank on the sight of my mates shirtless as they did to me

Elijah went and dimmed the light giving it a romantic appeal

I pushed jasper on the bed as I climbed over him. Edward ripped my panties off and undid my bra throwing it near the other pile of our clothes. He lined himself at my ass while jasper grabbed my hips moving me to his erection.  I moaned as they both entered me at the same time. They kept up their thrusts as I beckoned Elijah over and took his erection in my mouth. I deep throated him as he grabbed my hair and groaned in approval. I kept at it at the same pace as the others were fucking my core and ass. I screamed through my release causing Elijah to release in my mouth and on my chest and the others to spill their warmth in me. They changed positions and continued to make love to me till the morning

We were sated and I whispered my live to them before I went for a shower texting Damon that I would start school today with the Cullens

He texted with an affirmative and I left Elijah's to get ready at the boarding house

I told the guys that we needed to keep clothes at Elijah's which they agreed to and I drove to the house

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now