true nature of the curse

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Bella pov

Me and the boys reached home to find many people there. The Cullens, my brothers and Elena and some others I didn't know. They looked up when we entered

"guys meet our sister Isabella and her mates jasper and Edward"

They nodded and I came to know there was Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, alaric, Tyler

They told me that the werewolves knew about the curse and wanted to kill Elena

Edward pov

When they told us that werewolves wanted to kill Elena Bella raised an eyebrow at the girl in question," wow u dopplegangers are attention seekers"

"isaBella" Stefan said absolutely 100% done with her,"its not only Elena, we can't have werewolves turning at Will"

Bella smirked and said," u dint have to worry even If they break the curse which they won't, nothing will happen"


"because the curse is a fake"

"what" everyone shouted

Bella calmly replied"there is no such thing as the sun and moon curse it would unbalance the nature too much"

"u could have mentioned it sooner as Elena won't be sacrificed now" Caroline said exasperated

I didn't like the tone they were using but why hadn't Bella said anything

"no no she will be" Bella said

"but didn't u say"

"I said the curse is fake not that there isn't a curse, the sun and moon curse is a cover up"

"Cover up for what?"

Emmett asked

Bella went to the bar poured herself a drink and got comfortable on the stool

Bella pov

I stared at my audience and began, "there a reason Klaus is called the most powerful it's not because He is ruthless it's more than that

Klaus is not just the original vampire, he is an original hybrid"

"Hybrid of what? "

"he is half vampire half werewolf -his werewolf side is bound by the curse which can be broken By the sacrifice of the doppleganger"

Everyone was shocked by this

Jasper pov

"how do u know this? " Damon questions Bella

"I know things"

Me and Edward share a look

We know she is hiding Elijah and her relationship from them

Damon doesn't look convinced but Stefan then moves the discussion to the werewolves

After a lot of fight they agree to wait for the wolves to make the first move

Then Carlisle says that they have to go back for a few days to make arrangements for their transfer here

Bella said that we should go too as she knew something big was about to go Down

We were reluctant but agreed as we knew that we were needed in forks and needed to hunt and also that Elijah would protect her

We said our goodbyes

Bella kissed us with a lot of passion which we returned

"come soon I love u"

"as we do u" we replied and left with the family

Bella pov

I stared after my mates as Bonnie commented,

"how can u be with two guys"

I smirked and said, " not two four and how because they are part of me they complete me my soulmates u will understand once u find yours" I smiled at her my brothers were shocked to see this side of me

"u think I have a mate?" she asked me

"I have a unique talent of seeing relationships I can see there is someone out there for u"

"thanks " Bonnie smiled

I smiled back and told my brothers that I was going out and would be back later

They nodded and Stefan told me to take care while Damon looked at me with a sad look

I raised my eyebrow and he asked,"why do u hate me isa"

"I don't I m just pissed at u "


"thunk Damon think of all that u have done to me over the years think"

And I left

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now